Arriving At Coronado

22 1 0

Alysha Hill
I locked my weaponry bag with an unpickable steal lock and put the key down my bra, a place nobody dares to go.
I was about to leave the bathroom when I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. Pausing I ponder in thought for a moment before walking to the sink and getting out the scissors. I begin to cut my long blonde hair. I had long hair when I was saving the Stones. I can't risk them recognizing me. They could have seen me under my hood or when they were flying away. Both unlikely but it's best I don't risk it, plus it'll also throw the assassins off my trail.
For a little while anyway.
When I get my hair to my shoulders I tidy it up and put the scissors away. "Not bad." I chuckle to myself as I clean up the hair and put it all in the bin.
"Alysha. Time to go." Charlie calls and I walk from the bathroom with my weapons bag. On the way out I grab my other three bags.
"You ready?" Charlie looks at me questioningly and I nod.
We walk towards the door and I pull my hood on low over my eyes. The rain was pouring down heavily and Charlie opened an umbrella. We hurried to his car and he opens the boot for me to put my bags inside. Quickly we jump into the car and he drives off towards Coronado.

"It just had to rain didn't it?" I grumble as Charlie parks outside the Hotel del Coronado.
"I'll be in a hotel close by. You'll know how to find me." He replies with a smile and I hug him before climb in from the car and quickly grabbing my bags.
I hurry inside and pull back my hood. Water dripped down my nose and I began to shake. "Good evening miss. How may we help you?" A woman asks as she walks over.
She looked neat and professional. Definately a staff member. "I-I'm here f-for my friends we-wedding." I reply shakily and the woman looks me over and a look of disgust washes through her eyes.
I wore short shorts and a soaked hoodie. With a roll of my eyes I take of my hoodie and a soft golden dress flows down to my knees. It had long sleeves and shone slightly in the hotels light. The womans eyes widen.
"Alysha?" A woman's voice gasps from behind me and I turn to see Maddison with the 8 Riches and their wives.
"Hello Maddison. Long time no see." I say with a blue lipped smile.
"You're in a dress?" She gasps at me and I shrug.
"If I wore my usual clothes I would have been dragged out of here or they would have called the police. Plus I have a tail that I need to shake for a bit. You know. Like old times." I reply casually despite the fact I was frozen cold and shaking.
Maddison walks over and hugs me. "Getting into trouble as usual." She chuckles.
"Well it takes a lot of practice to get a tail like mine. For once I have a worse one than you. Now can I please go change. I'm freezing and we need to talk." I say seriously, my expression changing in a blink.
"Of course. What about?" Maddison asks curiously.
I glance behind her at Liam and Alex. "Russia." I reply in a low snarl as I look back at Maddison.
Her happieness drops. "Your lucky I got Liam to book the room with the best ocean veiw for you then." Maddison says.
I visible stiffen and I clench my hands into fists so tightly that my nails bite into my skin and draw blood. "Thank you." I manage to say and Maddison looks at me in worry.
She leads me away from the shocked staff member and I follow with my things, my hand tightest around my weapons bag. "Do we know you from somewhere?" Alex asks as he and his brother fall into step on either side of me.
I almost slip over but manage to stay upright. "How could you? The only proof of my existence is over 400 hit lists and the security footage of this place. You know nothing about me but I know a lot about you. Stuff I'm sure your friends would like to know. For example how you two got ownership of this hotel." I snarl lowly so only they could hear and they trip over their own feet in shock.
"This is your room." Maddison says and I sigh gratefully.
I walk inside and look around. "It's nice." I say in approval.
"Nice?" Crystal laughs and I shrug.
"I've stayed in Buckingham Palace England, the Taj Mahal Palace India, Ocean Heights in Dubai. You know. I've stayed in many many nice places. It can't be much of a shock that I've seen better." I say as I throw my clothes bags on the floor and gently place my weapons bag on one of the chairs.
"So you travel?" Liam asks curiously and I turn my attention to him.
He flinched under my gaze. "If going to 187 different countries is traveling then yes. I travel. It's my job to." I say before pulling out the key from my bra and putting it into the lock.
"Alysha? What's in that bag?" Maddison asks and I smile slyly.
"You should probably come in and close the door." I advise.
They all walk in and Delance shuts the door. I let go of the lock and step back. It begins to crackle before it clicks open. "That's a heavy duty lock." Ashley says and as soon as I open the bag and reveal my weapons everyone gasps.
"And that's some heavy duty weaponry." Shannon says in a whisper.
"It wasn't the most recommended idea to invite you was it?" Maddison snorts.
I pull out what seems to be a mangled but of metal and with a slight flick of my wrist it flips into a high tech clack crossbow.
"Just a bit."

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