Welcome To the Family

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Liam Stone
I didn't see it coming.
But they did.
The IMF and Alysha did.
Before I could even realize that we were under attack Alysha hand tackled me to the ground as a bullet flew over us.
"Show time people." She yells as she climbs off of me and helps me up.
All around us bullets flew.
Everything was going so quickly.
But I recovered.
I pull out my gun and begin shooting, killing every person I shot at.
People were falling left right and center.
Alysha walked to the edge of the building and I quickly shot a man just as he leaped up onto the edge and Alysha kicked him so he fell. She pulled out a spray bottle and began spraying over the edge, running around the whole roof of the building. We could hear screams if agony and I realized that whatever is in the spray bottle is some kind of acid.
Hours go by and the sun begins to set. Slowly the enemy disappears before darkness falls completely. Alysha killed the last person and the IMF disappear as if they were never there. "Did anyone get hurt." Alysha asks and we all nod.
Not one if us got through without an injury of some kind.
Ash had an arrow from a crossbow knick the side of his face and a bullet to his right arm. Crystal had a gash on her leg from a shot knife. Kyle had a bullet to the gut. Delance had a few cuts and scratches as did Steve, Ashley, Dylan and Shannon. Antonio had a knick in his arm from a bullet. Maddisons left side of her face was littered with shards of concrete shrapnel from a small grenade that hit the side of the building. Alex had two bullets knick him and one on the lower leg. Brett had a few nicks, an arrow on a crossbow to the arm and a bullet to the side. I had somehow gotten the most injured. I could feel three bullets I my body. Two in my leg and one in my right shoulder. I had a gash on my for head from concrete shrapnel like Maddison had. There was also a burning feeling in my side suggesting I broke something somehow.
Alysha quickly hurried over to me and looked me over in concern. "This is why I never let anyone in before." She whispers and I lift her chin with my finger and kiss her lips softly before looking into her eyes.
"I'd go through this a thousands times if it were to help you. I wouldn't have changed a thing. You can not let me people in Alysha. It's unhealthy. One day is what would get you killed. Not from a murder or a battle or a war." I say and Alysha nods with tears in her eyes.
"There's an ambulance on its way. You all need to get to hospital, some of you more than others. I'll make sure I visit every day." She directed the last sentence to me.
"What about you?" I ask as I look her up and down.
"Not a drop of blood on me that's mine." She replies quietly.
Wailing sirens get closer and we all walk weakly down to the ground floor. Alysha stays hidden in the shadows when the ambulance arrives. As we get treated and loaded into the back I glance back to see the swiftly retreating figure of Alysha before the stores lights turn of.

Two days later
"Hey Liam. How you feeling." Alex asks as he walks into my hospital room, the others close behind, all towing their IV lines with them.
"Sore, thirsty and in need of a decent meal." I grumble.
"I can agree with that." Antonio says. They all sit down on the chairs and beds in the room around my bed.
"I can't help with the pain but the other two I have just the thing." A voice says from the door and I smile happily as Alysha steps into the room a large box in her arms.
"You're here." I say happily and sit up in my bed.
Alysha chuckles and puts the box on the end of my bed. "I brought everyone their favourite food and drink." She passes everyone a cup and brown paper bag.
When she gets to me she pauses. "I thought you'd want this." She passes be the brown paper bag and cup before pulling out two more smaller black paper bags, passing o to me and the other to Alex.
She puts the box on the floor and sits on the end of my bed, her long elegant legs crossed. I shake my head of all the dirty thoughts about Alysha and open the bag. Both Alex and I gasp in shock. "Where did you get these?" We ask in unison and Alysha looks and her hands.
"I may or may not have stolen them from your parents corpses. But don't worry I cleaned them. Thoroughly." She says slightly sheepish.
In out hands Alex and I held a necklace with a singal angel wing each. I held a black one and Alex a white. Alex's belonged to mother. She was the pure angel of the family. Mine was fathers. He was more of a fallen angel. They got them for each other on their first anniversary. The two halves fit together to make a pair of wings.
"But you dropped our mother. How could you have gotten the necklace if you ran and jumped out of the prison right after you dropped her?" Alex asks as we look up at Alysha.
"I broke into the morgue and stole it from the table of things that belonged to her, leaving behind multiple dead people who weren't originally dead." She replies.
I put the necklace on and Alex does the same. "Thank you Alysha. You have no idea of how much this means to us." I say and Alysha smiles at me sadly.
"More than I could imagine. I never really had a family. Not long enough to call it my family anyway. They all just died away." I wanted to hold Alysha close and never let go but I couldn't really move that well nor that much.
"Come here and lay with me." I say and pat the edge of my bed. Cautiously Alysha crawls up beside me and lays down, her head on my chest and arm draped over my stomach. I rub her back soothingly.
"It wasn't your fault." I say but she shakes her head.
"You don't know that Liam. Nobody knows what happened. Not even me." She whispers.
The others all look down sadly. Alex stands and sits on the edge of me bed, putting a hand on Alyshas arm. "Do you or do you not like Liam?" He asks and everyone is shocked silent.
"What?" Alysha looks at him in confusion.
"It's a simple yes it no question." Alex replies and Alysha laughs slightly.
"Of course I like Liam. It's kind of hard not to like him." She replies and I feel a wave of happieness spread through my body.
Alex smiles and pats Alyshas arm. "Then I can say until something goes so horribly wrong that the world blows up... Welcome to the family."

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