He Was Number 3

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Liam Stone
I wake up and roll out of bed with a groan. Today's Antonio and Maddisons wedding. I feel so happy for them yet my body and mental state feels like shit. Slowly I drag myself into the bathroom and into a cold shower to wake me up more.
My mind wanders to Alysha. She's so dark, secretive, mysterious. Yet she's also soft, broken and alone. One minute she's seconds from killing you and the next she's backing away with tears in her eyes.
It's as if something in her past keeps appearing. Something that really effected and broke her.

After my shower I change into my suit and walk to where the other guys were already waiting except for Antonio. "Took you long enough." My brother laughs and I roll my eyes.
"Sorry. I was slightly distracted." I reply and stretch my back.
There's a knock on the door that leads towards where the girls will be. Brett walks over and opens it slightly. His eyes widen in shock and he opens it completely. Standing there in a beautiful golden dress was Alysha. My jaw dropped. She entered and shut the door.
"Don't worry I won't be long. I just need to give you all something." She walks around and pins something onto everyones suit as well as passing them a communication devise to put in their ear.
She stops in front of me and hesitates. She looks up at me and sighs before pinning whatever it was onto my suit. She reaches up and puts the coms in my ear. "If you break that I'll kill you. It's the most expensive one of the lot." She hissed.
I could suddenly hear the slightest sounds. "These arent coms so dont treat them like they are. They're much more delicate and.mucj more valuable. Now you can all hear like I do. My hearing is very sensitive which makes it easier for me to sense danger. These will do the same fir you. Liams however is slightly different." She says as she walks towards the door.
"Why?" Alex asks and Alysha smiles over her shoulder.
"Because his is also a communication system. Since he knows my biggest weakness I need to stay in contact with him just in case something goes wrong. Good luck boys. See you later." She then leaves and shuts the door behind her.
"Laugh if you can you hear me." Alyshas voice says through the thing in my ear and I chuckle softly.
"Good don't take it out, don't touch it, don't make any indication to it even being there." She orders and I smile slightly.

When the wedding began and I took my position at the front I looked over at the girls. When I didn't spot Alysha I did a double take yet she was in fact right there, looking absolutely stunning. She notices me watching and smirks which makes my cheeks heat up slightly.
I hear the door open and the rustling of clothing, two things I never would have heard before without the device Alysha gave me. We all look at the door and I can see Antonio smiling widely. Maddison did look beautiful. The girls always did somehow. It's like their super power.
She made her way down the isle towards us. A smile plastered on her face. A smile more genuine that I'd ever seen on her face before.
When she got to us she took Antonios hands and they faced each other in front of the priest who began to speak. I kept flickering my gaze to Alysha and every time she caught me with a slight smirk on her glossy lips.
Gah what's wrong with me.
The priest got closer to the end and Antonio said his 'I do'. I watched them continue. But out of the corner of my eye I saw Alyshas head snap sharply to look behind me towards the balcony and I heard the finest sound of hurried footsteps.
Just as Maddison said "I do." I heard the almost silent sound of a gun shot. Across from me Alysha stiffened. The guys around me flinched and glanced around slightly without making to much of a fuss.
"You may kiss the bride." The priest said and Antonio and Maddison kiss. At this point Alysha was briskly walking down the isle yet nobody seems to notice her. She's incredible.
Maddison turns with a smile to the girls but her face fell when she saw Alysha wasn't there. "Where is she?" Where's Alysha? Did anyone see her leave?" She asked frantically and every single person shook his or her head.
"She walked straight down the Isle and out the door. There was a gun shot. She must be checking it out." I reply.
"You saw me? Well done. I'll be back in a moment." Alysha says through the coms.
"Shell be back in a moment. Don't worry. She's fine." I say and Maddison goes back to smiling as Antonio pulled her close to him and kissed the side of her head.
I hear a gasp of shock and something smashing through the ear piece and I go pale and stiffen. Quickly I walk to a quiet corner of the room. "Alysha? Are you okay?" I ask lowly yet she doesn't reply and I begin to panic slightly.
There's a loud scream that echoes through the halls and also almost defense me through the ear piece. It's Alysha. Quickly I race to the door with the others close behind. Even Maddison, running with us in a wedding dress and heels.
When I get to the front doors I see Alysha out in the rain, soaking wet. In her hand was a knife. I stopped and stared. She dropped to her knees and knelt down to what I now realize is a body on the ground outside. Just to the side was another body.
Slowly I walk out into the rain. The person Alysha was sobbing over was a male I didn't know and the other body was Svetlana. He throat slit. Done by Alysha no doubt. I kneel in the rain next to Alysha and put a hand on her shoulder hesitantly, not knowing what else to do.
She turns and I'm startled as she hugs me, crying into my chest. I hold her tightly against the cold and look down at the male. A bullet right through his head sideways. Definately an expert. It went through the middle of one temple and came out the middle of the other.
"He was number 3 Liam. Now all they have to do is get rid of number 2 then it's me. Number 1." Alysha whispers and I hold her closer as I look around yet the rain was so heavy I couldn't figure out where the shot could have come from.

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