I'll Hand You Over

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Alysha hugged her knees in a cold, wet ball in the corner of her bathroom. She was suppose to be having a shower but she just slid to the floor in her wet clothes and stayed there. "Alysha? Can I come in?" Liam calls from the door to her room.
"Go ahead." She replies.
Liam walks into her room and shuts the door. Alysha made no move to go see him. She just stayed huddled in a ball in a small pool of water. "Are you alright in there?" Liam asks through the bathroom door but Alysha stays silent, her body shaking from the cold.
Slowly Liam opens the door and pokes his head in. When he sees Alysha he sighs and steps inside, closing the door behind him. Alysha looks up at him, her face pale and lips blue. "Come on. You're having a shower to warm up." He walks over to the shower and turns it onto warm.
"Please don't Liam. I don't want your help nor do I need it. My boss and the closest thing I have to a friend was murdered today. After me they'll kill you and your brother. I should have realized it. Svetlana Petrov. Svetlana is a popular Russian name. Petrov means stone in Russian. She wasn't a ghost because there is no such person as Svetlana Petrov." Alysha growled before sneezing.
"I'm truly sorry about what's happened to you. Now you will get into this shower. You can sit in your dress on the floor if you want but only if the water is warm and it warms you up." Liam says seriously before walking towards the door.
"It's too late for me to leave now. I have to stay. If I leave they'll kill you then come after me because it's only me and someone else left on their personal lists. When Charlie was alive I could leave and they'd follow. Now that Charlies dead they won't." Alysha says and Liams hand froze on the door knob.
"That's a problem. There's no rooms. The hotel is completely booked out." He says as he turns to face her.
"You think I don't know that?" She grumbled.
Liam sighs as he looks at her huddled in a ball and walks over. He scoops her up and walks over to the shower and puts her down so her back was against the wall and warm water was washing over her. In the process he got drenched. Alysha stayed silent the whole time.
Liam stood and made a move to step out of the shower but Alyshas hand whipped out and grabbed his. Startled he looked back at her, water dripping down her face, making her dress even more wet and ruined. She looked up at him, her chocolate brown eyes silently pleading. Liam stepped back and sat beside her, the warm water ran down his face and arms, slowly filling him with a comforting warmth.
Alysha uncurled her body slightly and lent her head on Liams arm. He put it around her shoulders and she wrapped her arms loosely around his midsection. Neither of them spoke. Neither of them made a sound. Neither of them made any move to move away from the other.

"You look like a drenched rat." Alysha snorts.
Her and Liam had gotten out of the shower after 10 or more minutes. Both completly soaked through. "You don't look any better." Liam replies as he moves his hair out of his eyes.
"I can't walk to my room like this." He scoffs unhappily. Alysha chucked him a towel.
"Of course you can." She rolls her eyes and begins drying her hair with a towel.
Liam scowls at her.
"Alright jeez." Alysha grabs her phone and txts someone swiftly.
"Who are you txting?" Liam asks curiously and Alysha puts her phone down.
"That's none of your concern. Now I need to get out of this dress. Will you be able to keep your hands to yourself Mr Stone?" She asks cheekily.
"I think I'll manage. Your dress isn't covering that much and I'm fine now so a little more will be fine. Why are you so confident and... not killer all of a sudden?" Liam asks with a roll of his eyes.
Alysha walks over to him and turns. "Unzip me please." She says and Liam shakes his head slightly.
He slowly unzips the dress and Alysha walks away. "Because I trust you enough to sit and hold me in a shower. You aren't as bad as your file says you are." She replies and a lows the dress to slip off her shoulders and down to the ground as round her feet.
Liam gulps and turns away slightly. "I take back what I said before. I'm struggling a little." He says and Alysha snorts in amusement as she dries her body. She only wore a red lace bra and underwear.
"You'd be surprised at how many guys made the same mistake." Alysha smiles slyly and Liam spun to face her.
"Say what now?"
"It's how I do my job. I don't look like much when covered. Even in a tightly fitted outfit but as soon as they fall so do the guys. They drool and get clingy. When they pounce I let them. As soon as they're on top of me they get a knife to the back. I'm the government's bounty hunter. I hunt for all males on the list while the male bounty hunters go after the female. I am the only female bounty hunter because I'm the best they've got. I work better alone." Alysha says and there's a knock on the door to the room.
Liam froze and Alysha walked past him towards the bathroom door. She runs a hand over his arm as she passed and walked out the door. Liam followed and watched from the doorway. Alysha opened the door and took a box from whoever was there before shutting the door and walking towards him with the box.
"Change into this." She passes Liam the box with a smile.
He opens it to see a pair of dark blue jeans and a white v-neck. "Just change will you." Alysha shoves him into the bathroom and shuts the door before changing into black leather pants and a cropped black long sleeve.
Seconds later Liam walks out and Alysha looks him over. "Not bad." She smirks.
"How did you know my size?" He asks curiously.
"I've been eyeing you up ever since the shower and sent the sizing to a friend who delivered the clothes. Now do you have anywhere I can stay?" She asks.
"You can stay in my room. I'll sleep on the couch." He says with a shrug and Alysha thinks about it for a second.
"If you try anything..." She begins and Liam cuts her off.
"You'll kill me. I know."
"Actually I was gonna say that if you try anything I'll hand you over to the Russians who want me dead. They'd love to rip into a body like yours." Alysha says and Liams eyes widen slightly.
"Help me with my things?" She asks innocently and Liam sighs with a roll of his eyes.
"Okay. The maids will clean up everything in here once we leave." He says and picks up one of Alyshas bags. They walk from the room and Alysha looks out the windows as they pass them. The rain was slowly easing.
I hope they'll just leave me alone. But nothing ever goes my way. She says to herself as she looks down at her feet and follows after Liam to his rooms.

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