9: Its About Time You Knew...

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I tried ignoring Brad's footsteps behind me as I didn't want to tell him anything yet. I mean, come on, I met him yesterday. I don't know him that well. How do I know I can trust him?

But having him following me... I felt safe...

What if Ben had of followed me and... I don't even want to think about that to be honest.

I was finding it all overwhelming and when I saw a bench, I quickened my pace, watching that my hot chocolate didn't spill everywhere.

Once I sat down, I finally looked towards Brad.

"Can I?"

He gestured towards the bench and I just nodded my head.

"Look, Dee. If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to. But just know that I'm here for you. You can trust me with anything."

I looked away from the cup in my hands to Brad.

He looked concerned. Like really concerned. I then remembered what James had told me... About Brad caring for me. Maybe I can tell him.

I sighed before looking into his chocolate eyes.

"What do you want to know?"

Something in his eyes lit up, like he was happy I was going to open up to him.

"Dee. I want to know everything about you, but tell me what you want me to know right now."

Okay... Here goes.

I pulled my legs up off the floor as I sat cross-legged, facing Brad.

"I was a normal teenage girl to start with..."

Okay. There's no turning back now.

"I had a decent amount of friends at school, I had a happy family... Life was pretty good. But Ben came along, and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes because all of my friends had boyfriends and I hadn't had one before... But after about a week, he changed. He slapped me for the first time, and said if I told anyone, that he would just keep hurting me... So I just took all of the abuse he decided to give me. My mum started to notice small bruises and I just had to lie to her and tell her I fell over or something.

My parents began to get into so many arguments around this time. I cried every night... I cried myself to sleep every night... And Ben told me he would slap me if he saw me cry... So at school one lunch time, I broke up with him, in front of nearly the whole of school, humiliating him. So I had finally gotten rid of him and I started focusing on my parents. They would fight over the stupidest things and I couldn't take anymore of it. So I sat them both down and asked what was going on. We managed to get through it and their relationship was perfect again. I used to like to sit in the garden and watch the two of them... I used to watch how my dad looked at my mum... And how she used to smile at everything he said... I told myself that I want a relationship like they had... Someone who I loved with all of me and he loved me just as much... I spent my childhood growing up with a man who loved his wife more than he loved life...

When Becca, my best friend turned 18, she moved out of her parents house and asked if I wanted to move in with her. So that happened. And I still went to school, but it was the last year, so I'm nearly finished and about to graduate... But a month ago..."

I let out a deep breath as the tears I didn't know were there, streamed down my probably rosey cheeks. Brad took hold of my hand and gave it a little squeeze.

I looked up at his face as I could see one tear fall down his cheek as I lifted my free hand up to his cheek and wiped it away with my thumb.

"A month ago... I was sat in Science class, when I was pulled out and they rushed me off to reception... I had no idea what was going on, but one of the teachers came over to me, crying as she pulled me into a hug. She told me she was driving me to the hospital beca... Bec-"

I found myself choking on my words and Brad noticed as he let go of my hand and pulled me into his chest. His cologne filling my senses.

"You don't have to carry on love."

I slowly pulled away, feeling cold and empty without his touch.

Again, I carried on...

"Because they had gotten into a car accident... My... My dad was driving my mum up to our lake house for their anniversary... But a drink driver drove through a red light, smashing into the side of their car..."

I was having a breakdown as I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my fingers up in my hair, resting my elbows on my knees. I just let the tears fall... I've tried to keep them in for so long, but it had taken it's toll on me.

"I ran into the hospital, and all the way to their room. A doctor was waiting outside their door for me, talking to a young male. The doctor turned to me, as he asked to talk to me privately."


"Are you Destiny Brooks?"


"I have some bad news..."

"No... No... No"

"I'm afraid your father was killed on impact. By the looks of it, he had tried to shield his wife from the car, killing himself. And your mother... Well she didn't die on impact due to your fathers actions, but her injuries were too severe and she died on the way to the hospital, in the ambulance. I'm very sorry for your loss. But if you want to talk to the dick... Erm I apologise... Man who crashed into your parents car, he insisted in coming with your mum, he's over there."

I looked in the direction the doctor had pointed in, and it was the man he had been talking to when I arrived.

*End of flashback*

"I was so angry for what he did... I don't know what took over me, but I ran at him and started hitting him, kicking him... Screaming at him... Anything to make the pain go away. Three security guards had to pull me off of him and I had broken his nose and jaw... I was so fucking angry... No one will understand what I went through that day... I tried going back to school the following week, but everyone had found out what had happened... And all my friends ignored me, telling people I had too much baggage to be friends with.

Only Becca stayed by my side, while the whole school started bullying me because of my parents death... I shut myself out of society... I locked myself in my room and began singing... Until Becca made me hang around with her friends and that's when I met James. He knew about the bullying, he just didn't know why. He knew about Ben and he showed me not all men are bastards.. Just about 99% of them... That's my story... That's what makes me, me..."

I felt Brad take hold of my hands, pulling me closer to him.

"And that's just another thing to love about you Destiny..."

I placed my head in the crook of his neck, feeling his curls tickle my cheek.


"Yes Brad?"

"I really like you. I know we haven't known each other that long, but I just... I really, really like you..."

I pulled away in shock.

"Even after telling you how fucked up I am. Even after giving you the perfect opportunity to leave like everyone el-"

I was interrupted when Brad placed his soft lips onto my own...

Well there go my fucking walls...

Well done Bradley Will Simpson...

You just earned my heart...

Please don't abuse it...

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