Chapter 2

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Flashback....Years before...
Kevin's Pov;

Kevin!..Why are you in a hurry?. Aren't you going to eat your breakfast first? Asks Mom.
Sorry mom, i'll just eat in the cafeteria  later after the practice.
What Practice?
Kevin says he's a captain..My little sister Leila answer for me.
Hey Leila stop. I'll take it.
Yes mom, i'm a football team captain. That's i reall y need to go..i'll just drink the milk on my way to school.
Ok son. Take care.
Thanks mom. Love you.

My family ddnt know that my image in school is way too different in the house. Many of the students there tag me as a hearthrob, rich bad boy, a snob, name it. I don't have true friends, because i dont like people who wants me to be their friend just because i'm a rich. That's why i chose to be alone most of the time.

Our coach appointed me as a captain of our football team without asking if theres anyone who will object because no one tried to. Few of my team mates i know don't like me. Hell like i care!. So when i arrived in the field, the team were already started to warm up.

Hey guys. Captain is here! Says Brandon, the one whom i know is against me.
Got a problem with me huh Brandon?
You really asking me that Morisson?
You is my problem! I'm the one who should be in your position!
Oh yeah? Why you did not object when coach appointed me?
Trying to be calm as i can though i know the tension between us getting heavier.
You know what Morisson,
Putting his fingers in my forehead which makes my blood boils.
You're only rich Morisson! But youre not supposed to get everything in just a snap of your f$#king finger

Actually Brandon, i can. And don't ever lay your f$#king finger on me, if you dont want to get what you deserve!
Just when our coach came...
Hey you two!..What's going on here?
Why not ask Brandon Coach?
Why not speak brod?.
Listen you two! The game will start tomorrow. Set aside whatever rift you have or i will both terminate the two of you! Clear?
Yes Coach! the training.

I went to the locker to change..after our training when Brandon and his goons stop me.
They tried grab and punch me but i'm smart enough to avoid it, causing them to fall. Damn it! They both said, in which i smirk by looking at them. And left them and go straight to my classroom.
When i heard the bell, signaling the the class for this hour is done, i get up from my seat put my backpack on and go to the canteen to eat. Only to be dissapointed when i found out the canteen is full pack! Desperate to eat, i  scan the area for any table availabe and found nothing, apart from the table in the corner where a young girl is sitting.

Uhhm Hi, is this seat taken?
The young girl just shake her head and continue eating. Not even looking at me.
So can i sit here?
She just nod.
Thanks, i can eat at last.
Are you new here? I ask the girl infront of me, who just response with a nod..again.
I see. I'm Kevin Morisson by the way. You are? Extending my hand to her..
Alice Styles. Shaking my hand and gave me a shy smile.
Good that youre talking. Nice name by the way.
Where you from Alice?
Georgia. But my grandma left me so i'm staying with my mom now.
I see. So what are you doing?
Solving Algebra. This is my next subject after break.
I hate Math.
It's easy if you follow instructions.
Easy for you to say.
Just as i was about to say something when the bell rang.
She was rushing but i made her stop when i hold her hand.
Take it easy..
I don't want to be late.
We walked together out if the canteen ignoring eyes upon us.
Nice meeting you Alice. Hope to see you again.
Sure. Nice meeting you too Kevin.
We both smiled at each other before we seperate in the hallway.

I was not paying attention to what my teacher are saying because my mind was occupied thinking about Alice. Shes so cute. Her red lips. Her curly light blond hair..and her eyes. I wonder how old is she or what grade shes into. Reminded my self to ask her when i see her again. I tried to focus on the lesson but still nothing. So after the bell rang, im rushing outside hoping to see Alice again but ddnt see her. I was about to message my driver when i heard a group of girls laughing  near the garden. I tried to ignore them but my heart beats when i heard a girl crying.
This is not right. I notice who was crying..Alice!. My temper flared up when i heard one of the girl said.
You're just a transfere here and youre already acting like a princess?
Alice was silent but already crying.
Just to remind you Styles, you should put yourself where it suppose to. Understand? Or i will....she ddnt continue it when i came in front and stop her.
Or what Tanya? So its your proper way to welcome a transferee?
Ahhm Ke...Kevin..its not like that..
Huh!. I've heard everything you said Tanya.
Her face turned red to the embarrasment. Then i help Alice get up and spoke infront of them.
Listen And let me make it clear to all of you!. Don't ever try to hurt her again Tanya, or anyone who will try to..will be punished!. Do i make myself clear?
Let's go Alice. Stop crying now. No one will try to hurt you now.

Chapter 2 done.
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Cover from pinterest.

See you all soon on the next chapter.😉

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