Chapter 3

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Still a flashback✌..

Alice's Pov;

Kevin right?
Well, don't worry, i'll be fine.
It should be Alice. Otherwise, i'll make each of their lives misserable if they tried to bully you again.
I owe you that day Kevin.
That means?
Well, i have my allowance for a week already, i can take you to a treat you know. If you want.
Whoah! No Alice. I wont take it. But since you mentioned a treat, let's go to the cafe across the street after school. I'll treat you.
Ohh ok..sure..
You're beautiful.😉..Ignore those who will try to bash you. They just envy you.
For what?
For being a friend of a handsome/knight in shining armor guy..And that is me.
Lol🤣..i dont have comment on that matter. See you later after Class.
I'm serious Alice.
Bye Kevin.

Everyone are staring at me when i enter the class. I went to my seat ignoring their stare.What's their problem with me? Is it my fault i became friend with the guy they thought a bad boy?.

Hi..i'm Darcy. Extending her hand to me. She must be nice.
Alice..Shaking her hand.
I saw you yesterday crying. Sorry that i hesitated to help. I was observing how you will handle your situation, if its not Mr. Knight in shining armor.😁
No, its fine..and its over. So, is that how some of the students here bully new comers like me?
Actually, youre not the first one who experienced that..Been there too!. But if you let them bully you, they will do it over and over. You should learn how to stand up for yourself sometimes.
Yeah, i'll keep that in mind. I guess im just terrified on my first days here.. Because students in my previous school is way to different from here. Or maybe i'm just having hard time to adjust.
Yeah. Thats what ive thought. So..where you from Alice?
Ohh, this is my birthplace actually, but when my mom remarried, i went to georgia to live with my grandma. Thats where i grown up.
I why are you here?
My grandma died. And my mom wont allow me to live there alone, so thats why.
Yeah. i see.
What about you?
I'm from Florida, i came here when my parents settled thats why.
Ohh ok..
Just when Darcy about to speak again,  our professor enter the classroom.

Ok Class, listen, just like what i've mentioned the other day, we will have a surprise quiz. It happens now. So those who prepared for it and those who not....Goodluck.. The student who will get the highest score will have a plus 5 in this subject ofcourse. So let's get started...Pass the test papers to your classmates please. Our test is random. Meaning, you will not only focus on one subject..
The test is 1 to 50. And you all only have 20 minutes. Ok, you may start now.

Oh my!. I said to myself. Please guide me dear lord. I had studied all the su jects.

I'm done before 20 minutes ended. Hoping to get high score. Still had few minutes to review all my answers before our teacher said.. 20 minutes is up!. Pass your papers finish or not finish.

Goodluck students. I'll let you all know tomorrow.
The bell rang...All of the students went out of the room.except me.

Ma'am, can i have a minute?

What is it Styles?
I just wanted to ask if theres scholarshif available here ma'am.

Yes. But since you transfered here in the midsem..youre not applicable yet til next school year.

Thank you Ma'am.


I was about to scream while walking in the hallway when someone covered my eyes from behind.

Guess who? whispered the guy.

Kevin stop it!

What?. How did you know it was me?

Duh! one will do that except you silly. where are you going Alice?

Canteen..where else..its lunch break you know..

Ahhm..we can go out you know..

Kevin, where do we go in 30 minutes break?, and besides, don't you like foods in the canteen?

You talk to much..c'mon..Our house is just a few minutes drive from here so lets go.

Ok..lead the way..

I already texted my driver to pick us up

Wow rich huh! he is..lets go..
Dan, meet Alice.. Alice..Dan.
Hi ma'am....House sir?
Yes please. Is mom there?
Yes sir.
You have a nice car.
Thanks..we're here.
Ohh..that fast..we should just walk all the way here you know.. time..
Nothing..lets go inside..we only have 20 minutes left.

Hi mom..whats for the lunch?..By the way mom..this is Alice..
Hi!..This is the first time you brought a girlfriend huh son?
We just met mom..but youre right..shes a friend..
Thats what im saying..
Let's eat? sit beside him Alice.
Thank you ma'am.
Wheres dad?
In his office..but he'll come down..ohh there he is..

Oh..we have a visitor..

Dad, this is dad.

Hi sir..

Hi..did you know this is the first time my son brought a girlfriend here?

Dad..a friend..not girlfriend.
Thats what i am saying. But two eat now..what time is your next class?

Within 15 minutes dad.

Ohh both hurry up..

We're done eating after 5 minutes.. Eyeing Kevin to say lets go.

We have to go now..
Ohh two take care. says his mom. And Alice..i want you to comeback this weekend if youre available.
Yes ma'am..Thanks for the lunch.. Bye sir. He just smile and wave at us.



Thank you for inviting me..You have a cool parents you know.

Thanks. They really are nice. So come back this weekend?

Can i bring my little sister?

That would be nice. I'm sure she will get along with Leila.

How is your sister leila?


My sister is 5.

Awesome. i have a game this friday.. You can watch.

What time?

Around 6pm.

I cant promise that..If mom allow me.

I see..might as well..see you in the weekend?

Yeah...We have to run now..the bell already rang..


Sorry guys, took long to update. I hope you'll like this chapter.

Anyways, please do vote and comment..Thank you🤗😉

See you all soooon on the next update.🤗

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