Unsaid #14

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To the person who is reading this:

Did you ever look in the mirror and for once appreciate those flaws and beauty in you?
Have you ever stop comparing yourself to others? Did a day goes by that you have walked confidently without the insecurities?
We are all made for a purpose. No one could ever copy our beauty nor be us. Those we think were flaws can mean something to somebody.

Please don't ever let the society take you away from that freedom of being yourself. Don't let those man-made standards define you. The creator never created you to just do nothing. Either way, you weren't made to satisfy people's wants. Please stop being so hard on yourself and I hope by the time you read this you already know how special you are.

Who knows perfection anyway? Its meaning is relative, depending on one's perception of what he sees. Don't achieve it because you may get lost looking for it. Now, when you look at yourself in the mirror may you practice the art of loving yourself and bracing the day with the right confidence and bravery.

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