7 (Extremely Short).

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The logical side of me told me no. That he was dangerous, that I had just watched him murder a man in cold blood.  The other side of me felt something so familiar about this man. The way he held out his hand felt like something we had been doing for eons. I outstretched my hand and placed my palm in his. All my emotions bubbled up in full force. I almost cried out it was so overwhelming.

   Images flashed by in my head. I was revered. A warrior amongst peasants and when the battle for the king arose I fought mercilessly. Slashing any and everyone who dared cross my path and in the end I had won. I had fought my way into the royal palace. I saw images of me relishing in the victory and death over fellow warriors. They were not as good. I was the best. I deserved queen. I fell forward into the man's arms.

   "Nicholas," I breathed as I embraced him. I looked into his eyes. Something was missing. Another image flashed through my mind. it was one of me cold and calculating. I never loved this man. He was power and I needed access to it. I was a woman out for blood in seek of power and he gave it to me. I ruled the nation with a strong hand at my husband's side and I loved every second of it.

   I began to wonder why I ever left.  That feeling of power coursing through my veins. Just the taste of it and I had gained a powerful lust towards it. I saw myself towards the end slaying people without laying a hand on them.  I did not love this man but I loved the power he gave me and for that I was grateful.

   "I am so glad you remembered me," he embraced me. "I must show you to the kingdom. They will rejoice in your homecoming."

I reached for his hand and he led me out of the room, stepping over Alvin's body as we left. I would welcome my kingdom with open arms and leave behind meager life of Danielle. That life becoming a distant and hazy memory. Although I could not shake the clear memory of piercing, icy blue eyes. A shiver ran down my spine. Nicholas put his hand on my shoulder and I was brought back to the present.

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