Different Breed Part Sixteen

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The submarine was fully immersed in the water. The interior of the submarine was chilly, even Maria was forced to put on a jacket as she was bitterly cold. To the contrary, Milton didn't seem fazed by the blistering cold. He just sat, didn't blink, and had a serious look on his face.

"Is everything alright?" Maria asked with a tone of concern. Milton snapped out of his state

"...yeah, I'm blessed" Milton lied

"I wasn't born yesterday...Let me know what's bugging you, I may be of assistance" Maria offered

"...doubt that" Milton whispered "Well it's nothing really. I guess I don't want to admit that I'm feeling homesick"

"What's wrong? Are you missing Mummy and Daddy?" Maria smiled

"Never that..." Milton lied

"It's okay to miss your parents. You're super young...seventeen and travelling by yourself? That's courage right there" Maria smiled

"I miss my adoptive family...I'm looking for my biological family" Milton declared

"How do you know you're adopted?" Maria asked

"What kind of stupid question is that?" Milton laughed "You're not serious...well I'll show you a picture of my Mum" Milton produced a family picture he kept. It was of him, Javan; and the Nartey parents.

"Who are they? They're black, though" Maria declared

"Yeah...colour doesn't occur to me. They taught me that...This is my family" Milton declared

"That's wrong...you should be at least with a family of your own kind, and then you wouldn't be confused" Maria declared

"It's ignorant waste people like YOU who I can't stand!" Milton roared "Why are you taking things at face value? I swear the world we live in is so crap"

"Calm down! I didn't mean anything by it!" Maria began "I...I just thought it was awkward. With you...well you know"

"No...I don't. Do you care to explain?" Milton sarcastically asked

"Well, you're White, el Blanco. This family are black African, you see it doesn't sit well with the eye" Maria declared

"You talk so much bull! Oh my days...are you racist?" Milton asked. He was clenching his fists, he was getting livid

"Well...not extremely. I guess we all have racist undertones, some are just better at hiding it then others" Maria declared

"Why? What's the point of being racist? It's useless and you will get nowhere in life. I'm not saying there isn't racism, Lord knows I've had my fair share of it...don't look surprised blud, white kid, Black family. Anyway, where I live, London is multicultural so I pretty much fit in everywhere, nothing fazes me. But there is always the odd person who comes to ruin stuff, taking things as they appear. Your bull opinions doesn't faze me...because any racist needs help"

"Well I can't help the way I feel, I guess it's innate" Maria declared

"No way, you learnt that rubbish on your own. You can change, that's what's wrong in the world. There are many things, but this is one of the main ones. Should skin colour matter...I mean it's the 21st century for Goodness sake! Allow me...Your Spanish, so how the hell can you be racist?"

"...Fine, I'll tell you. I don't even know why I'm saying this, but..." Maria declared, as she began to get emotional

"It was a few years ago. It was a random thing...three men, one Black, one White and one Asian broke into my mother's home..." she wiped a tear from her right eye "They ransacked her house, and shot her at point blank range. The black guy pulled the trigger. That bastard got sent down for life. My mother wasn't rich, but to have her life so brutally taken away just turns my stomach inside. I will forever hate that bastard and his accomplishes, for picking on a defenceless...old...woman"

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