Chapter 17

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(Waiting To Long - Hippie Sabotage)
(I'll tell you when to play song)

Ethan's POV- weeks past

"Wait. So we're going to dinner tonight!"y/n asks excitedly. "Yes, just the both of us" I kiss her cheek "at a fancy place" i kiss her cheek again"alone" I slowly peck her lips.

"Damn E. What's all the affection for?"she asks while giggling. "I love you" I say feeling warmed all over my body.

"I love you" she says leaning in. I lay her on her back grabbing her thigh.

"Ethan! Where's the controlle-" Grayson bust in the door without knocking. "Oh shit my bad" he laughs. "Really" i say annoyed.

"Here it is" he says awkwardly while grabbing the PS4 controller off my desk. "By the way Emma, James and Ian are coming over soon" he says lastly walking out.

"Once again, our plans are cancelled." She sighs. She gets off the bed grabbing her things. "I'm sorry babe"

"It's fine, well I better get going so they don't think it's weird that I'm already here" she says. I walk her out to her car.

"When are we able to go on a adventure" she says grabbing my hands softly swinging them side to side. "One day baby" I say lastly. I kiss her forehead and she gets into her car and drives off.

I walk towards the kitchen and grab a apple before heading into my room. "Yo Ethan" gray calls out. "When are you going to tell her" he asks. "when the time is right" I say lastly walking into my room.


I walk into my apartment setting my things on the couch. I head up stairs and jump on my bed and close my eyes feeling myself sink into the mattress.

*Few Hours Later*


I jump up scared but then realize it's just my phone. I roll over trying to fall asleep again.


"UGH" I groan loudly . I reach for my phone.

"Y/n you coming"
"Wake up lazy ass"
"Ight see you here"

I read the nonfictions but don't bother replying.I place my phone down on the counter and head to the bathroom to get ready .

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