Chapter 11

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(Fly (FKJ Remix)- June Marieezy)
(I'll tell you when to play song)

  Ethan's POV - Next day

I open my eyes and feel a smile form on my face remembering everything. I look down to see y/n head on my chest. She's glowing
and she has a small smile making
her lips bright pink.

"Yo, eth-" Grayson bust in my room. I
quickly grab the blanket and toss
is across her body.

   "Bro, get the fuck out" I whisper yell"Oh shit, my bad" he chuckles while looking at us."well, you guys better get ready . Emma just invited us to eat" he grabs a shirt of my chair and walks out.

"What the" y/n groans and rubs her eyes."Oh no!You woke up. I tried to be quiet" I say to her and slide to the edge of the bed.

"Oh no! Don't go" she giggles. I feel her warm arms wrap around shoulders leaning
her head on mine.

"Come" she kisses my neck. "Back" she's kisses my ear. "To bed" she kisses my cheek.

"Baby, we have to get ready"I get up making her warm arms slide off of me. I grab a pair of pants and slip them on.

"For what" she groans fallin back on the bed."Emma invited us to go eat" I start putting on my belt, having my back to her .

"She invited us?"she questioned. I turn around and crunch my eyes "or she invited you" she flips her phone ... 0 notifications

Play song

He rolls his eyes at my phone and turns back around . I didn't get any message from Emma of her inviting me.

I slide of the bed putting on my panties and bra. I grab my pants"Where the hell you going"Ethan grabs me from my waist. "not so soon" he throws me back on the bed

"You said I had to get dressed" I giggled. He pulls my legs putting them between his since he's still standing. He kisses my forehead making me get shivers all over my body.

"I don't wanna go" I pout looking up to him. He laughs at my expression. The fire in his eyes sparked, he slowly leans down placing his lips onto mine.

"I love you y/n" he pulls away. He rests his forehead on mine as we stared deeply into each other's eyes.

"I love you Ethan" I reply. He smiles widely showing his small dimples. He backs up still smile and grabs a shirt off his rack.

What did I get myself into. No one has
ever made me feel like he does.

*Skip y/n Getting Dressed*

"Can we goooo" Grayson groans loudly from the living room. "I'm almost ready" I yell back. I look at myself once more before heading out the bathroom.

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