Chapter 19

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(Fairytale - Milky Chance)
(Play when I tell you)

Y/n POV- 2 weeks before

"No, wake up" I hear a voice shout .

I turn around and see Ethan on his knees. I run up to him falling on my knees as well.

"Baby what's wrong" I say. He looks up me, he has tears on his cheeks and red puffy eyes.

"You broke my heart" he says in a soft tone. He has his hand on his chest and his breathing is uneasy "I loved you, I never cheated on you"— "but you broke my heart when you went with him" he looks back down.

"Ethan I never cheated on you" I say. I touch my lips, I see blood on my finger tips.

I stand up quickly. Ethan disappears in seconds.

The white walls get smaller
and smaller.

"NOOOO" I shout.

I look around and see my room. I feel cold shiver down my back and I'm full of sweat. "It's just a dream" I say in relief. I grab my phone from my nightstand

*Zero notifications*

It's Tuesday so Ethan is busy with
uploading.I grab my towels and head
to the bathroom .


"Hey babe" someone yells down stairs "Ethan?" I yell back "yeah, I brought you an
ice coffee" he yells back .

I finish up in the bathroom and head down stairs. For once I actually like my outfit.

"Hey beautiful" ethan says and hands me the drink "hey babe" I say

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"Hey beautiful" ethan says and hands
me the drink "hey babe" I say. I go in for a hug and feel his arms wrap around my waist.

It's been a while since Ethan and I've talked. He's even more busy and we never solved our problem. He ignore it and I didn't even bother to try to get the reason.

"I'm going to be out the whole day so we can't hang out today" he says as we both pull away. "Ohh- well where you going?" I ask. "Just out"he fake laughs.

why can't he just be honest.

"Well, thanks for the drink"I fake smile, it hurts. He smiles and pecks my lips.

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