Chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning.i had a quick shower, did my usually make up routine and got changed:

-Black skinny jeans, grey baggy shirt, black pumps. Then I dried my hair, and put it in a I messy bun. I grabbed my phone so I could check the time but in stead I got distracted, by all the notifications I had from social media. I went to check what was going on and what I found made me want to throw it out the window and crush it into pieces. It was a pictures of me and Shawn at the park, kissing, getting ice cream, seeing 22 jump street. Then there was loads of comments asking if we were dating and all that shit. I was in shock thinking to myself "wtf is going on here where did people get those pictures" I screenshotted all of the pictures and made a collage out of them, then I posted it on my account and put the caption as: "THESE PICTURES ARE FAKE ASS FUCK TRY ARE ALL PHOTO SHOPPED!". I was so mad, I couldn't believe this was happening again. First the rumors of me and Shawn and I having sex, and now this?! I guess people really do hate me, now I'm gonna get even more crap from people, even people from the other side of the fucking world! I snapped out of my thoughts as I reminded myself of what I actually intended to do when I grabbed my phone. I looked at the time, it was 7:30 fuck school starts at 8. I ran down the stairs, grabbed an apple, and left. I felt like I was an Olympic runner because I felt like I was running for my life! Bad new was, I was wearing pumps (high heels aha) and they were killing my feet as soon as they hit the floor. Good news is: I got to school just on time it was 7:50. Phew. Then my stupid brain reminded me of what happened this morning today is going to be interesting

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