Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! Welcome to a brand-new story! More mature, hopefully better written and hopefully just as interesting for you!

The main characters have been posted to my Instagram for any of those wanting to picture the characters the way I do! (@boybands77 )I will also post them on here on the first few chapters for any users not on Instagram!

And just a little note, the main family, the Vana's, speak Telugu which is a Southern Indian language. I translate it through google/my boyfriend but if any of you guys want to correct how to say something, please feel free to comment! I'd love for it to be written as natural as possible! And yes, translations of what they're saying will be followed in bold.

Also, this is the only chapter written in third person. idk why but for the first chapter it just felt right! The rest will be in first person (unless there's something special idk)

Without further ado, Enjoy my lovelies!



"Another day, another event" were the words that came to the young socialite's mind when asked about her thoughts on the charity event this evening.

But she decides to bite her tongue, "It's for a great cause and I know that our friends, the Oswald family have done a fantastic job preparing the event."

"Thank you, Miss Vana, for your time. We can't wait to see your dress for tonight." The reporter smiles. Media always loved dealing with the young members of the Vana family. Polite, courteous, and always seemed to give them a spare minute if asked nicely.

"Have a nice day." Deepti smiles before turning around to allow Max, the doorman, to open the glass door for her.

"Good afternoon, Miss Vana."

"Hello Max, hope you're staying cool somehow." She smiles empathetically looking at his uniform of jacket and trousers in this weather of over 100 degrees.

Max laughs, "I am, Miss Vana. Don't you worry about me. After 30 summers you get used to it."

Deepti laughs, "I'll see you shortly."

The click of her heels echo in the large foyer as she walks past the front desk security, giving him a small wave and continuing to the elevators. As she waits for one to come ground level, she reaches up to unstick the small hairs of her thick brown hair from her neck.

The doors chime and part, allowing Deepti to enter. Inside the elevator she was surrounded by four walls of mirrors. One look in the mirror told her to remove her makeup the moment she got inside her home. Her mascara had started to smudge underneath her eyes and her foundation had become blotchy in some areas.

She was never really one to care for appearances, but if her mother knew she was outside looking like this she would be deeply upset.

The elevator chimed again and out she walked onto the first floor of the two floored penthouse.

Just to Deepti's fear, her mother was on the couch in the living room. As Mali heard the chime she turned and saw her daughter walking in with a few shopping bags.

"Deepti? Idi emiti? (What is this?)" Mali asks as she stands to her feet, examining the bags.

"It's for tonight, mama." Deepti explains quickly, trying to walk past her to her bedroom.

"We just bought you a beautiful dress for tonight, no?" Mali's eyebrows furrow.

Deepti stops in her tracks and looks to her mom with empathetic eyes.

"Claire's family is going with a red theme. I didn't want to intrude on their event. I will wear the red dress to your birthday. Ottu. (Promise)" Deepti flashes a smile that she knows will calm her mother.

It's not that changing her dress upsets her mother, it's that she didn't get her mother's approval before buying the dress. The Oswald's wouldn't have minded if Deepti wore red, it was just something Deepti came up with as she had wanted to wear a different dress.

Mali nods her head, "Okay. Well you should start getting ready. That skin looks like it could use some pampering." She raises her hand to Deepti's cheek with a smile that held no apology for what she had just said.

Deepti fakes a laugh, "Yes it does. I'll see you in few hours, mama."

Deepti takes that as her opportunity to pass by her mother and head up the stairs to her bedroom.

It's not that Mali and Deepti have a bad relationship, they have always been very close, but as Deepti grew up there were more and more things that were not allowed. For instance, leaving the house looking unpolished. As Mali had put it, she was no longer a child where pajamas and messy hair were cute. Since Deepti's seventeenth birthday she's been trying hard to be her own person. Doing her own press statements, making her own designer appointments and all the while trying to ensure she doesn't become her mother.

Anyone looking from the outside in would think Deepti is one of the luckiest women on the planet. Her father being an oil tycoon with lots of wealth for Deepti and her older brother, Abhijit, to inherit, and her mother starting her own company of lavish handbags and luxury makeup. Most would think she had it all. In the media they're portrayed as a very wholesome family, with lots to give and to share. It was only when Deepti started taking control of her own life that she realized how different the media portrayal is from reality. Sure, the Vana's donated whenever they could. But it was always publicized and never for the right intentions.

Deepti hung up her dress on the hook that's on the top of her closet door, letting the bag unfold and fall to almost reach the floor. She took a big sigh of relief and dropped her purse onto the bed. It's a purse from her mother's newest collection. Deepti always had the job of promoting the newest items for people to drool over and get the pre-order sales through the roof.

As Deepti unzips the garment bag she's startled by the sudden ring of her phone. With a hand on her chest she walks back over to her bed in the center of the room.

"Hey Claire." She says as she answers the phone.

"Hey Dee, you and Amelia want to come over a bit earlier?"

The three of them had made plans to get ready together at Claire's and head to the event together. But that was meant to be for five. Deepti looks down to her watch reading that it's close to four, "Uh how much earlier?"

"Like now." Claire laughs, "Pleeease! I'm going crazy here all alone, my parents are acting like they've done a line of coke."

Deepti laughs and shakes her head, "Oh, I don't know that feeling." She said with sarcasm. One of the first times Claire and Deepti ever met they bonded over their parents being so similar.

"So, is that a yes?" Claire asks hopefully.

Deepti rolls her eyes with a smile, "Let me just pack up my makeup, I'll be right over."

"Okay good. Because food is already on its way. Gotta call Amelia, see you soon, love you, bye." Claire rushes to get out before hanging up the phone.


Short chapters, try for daily updates? How's that sound?

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