Chapter 9

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I spot Laura and watch as she cleans up the tables while looking pretty glum. I ask Claire if she wants to go talk to her and her answer wasn't as immediate as I thought it would be. She's come a long way from treating people underneath her like peasants, to now she has demonstrated compassion and actually helped others.

"Uhm." She says and looks over to Laura, almost like it makes or breaks her decision.

I said she's come a long way, not that she's perfect.

"Yeah, I guess. Let's go see how she's doing."

I drag Abhi along behind us and he looks confused and almost worried. What? Does he think we're going to set him up with her? I chuckle to myself at the idea of him acting like that due to his fear of talking with girls.

"Hey Laura." I say first as we approach her.

She looks up, almost shocked that we're talking to her. Her makeup still looks great and she smiles when she recognizes who we are.

"This is my brother Abhi by the way." I explain, "We just wanted to check in and see how you were doing."

She smiles, and it seems to be genuine, "I'm doing okay. A lot better than before. I guess work has distracted me."

"I guess having your friends work with you helps." Claire smiles and looks over to where Hunter and his friend are eyeing us.

"Uhm, is that your boss?" Abhi asks and looks up to watch a blonde man with messy curls approach us.

Laura turns around and then explains to us, "Yeah that's my boss. But he's a friend first. I'm here on a favour."

"Oh?" This seems like it strikes Claire's curiosity but before she can ask anymore questions we're interrupted by her boss.

"Evening." He nods to us three, "I hope everything is okay, is there anything I can do for you?"

I shake my head, "No, Sir. I hope you don't mind us chatting with your staff. We met earlier and just wanted to say hi again."

"Oh," He says and looks down to Laura as if asking if everything is alright.

"These were the girls from the washroom earlier." Laura explains quietly.

"Well in that case, I hope you ladies," He then looks directly to Abhi when he says, "and gentleman of course, had a lovely evening."

We nod our heads and tell him thank you and he walked away. Abhi looks a bit pale but I blame it on the late night getting to him.

"He's trying really hard to impress everyone here." Laura admits and takes a cloth from her apron and begins wiping down the table.

"He's doing really well. If he was understaffed and pulled this off, kudos to him." Claire nods and I'm almost shocked at the pleasant remark but I just nod along.

"Yeah, well tell that to Oswald family." Laura laughs, and I turn my head to hide my smile.

"You just did." Claire smiles proudly.

Laura looks like a ghost compared to the pale I saw on Abhi earlier. She begins to stammer before Claire just smiles politely.

"It's okay. You guys really did a great job. No smashed plates or spilling drinks over guests. An improvement from last year if you ask me." Claire looks to me and we both share a laugh over memories of over theatrical guests and angry managers.

Laura laughs, and it sounds forced, probably her way of trying to see light in the situation. I watch Hunter from afar as he stares intently over Laura. I wonder how deep they're relationship goes. Is it one sided? Laura seemed to brush him off like he was nobody. I can't even explain why I'm attracted to him. Maybe I'm attracted to the situation. Damsel in distress and protective friend. I just wonder why? And how?

Claire must've caught me looking because she nudges my side with her elbow.

"Maybe you can help us with the balloons?" I offer, "We can chat, drink all the leftover booze. You can get something to eat."

Claire will probably scold me for being over generous but what is she going to do anyways with that much leftover food and drinks.

"Uhm," Laura mumbles and connects her fingers together to twiddle as she looks around and thinks, "Let me just tell Sam. I'm sure he won't mind. Only if you're sure you don't mind the gloomy company." She chuckles at her own expense and it's kind of sad to watch.

"Of course not!" Claire cheers and links her arm through Laura's, guiding them away to find Sam.

I turn to Abhi who has the same confused look on his face.

"Did she just?" He asks quizzically.

"Yup, pinch me I'm dreaming." I hold out my arm for him and we both laugh.

As I watch them walk away I notice the way Claire seems to actually hold a look of pity. Or maybe it's sympathy.

"Do you think it has to do with Tate?" I mumble to Abhi. We've been forbidden by Claire to even bring his name up. But that was almost a year ago he cheated on her. She really thought he was the one, but I knew he was off after meeting him a few times. But I think Claire was distracted by the idea of love, and who were we to tell her he wasn't the right one?

Abhi nods, "That fucker scarred her."

"I know. But look, she's now forming human relationships over that bond. Even if they don't know that's what they're bonding over."

"Who is that guy that you've been eyeing all night?" Abhi nudges my arm in the direction of Hunter.

"One of Laura's friends. I'm trying to figure out if he's the reason she was upset. She said boy drama."

"Girl power." Abhi laughs, "You just met her and you're ready to go to bat for her."

"I'd want girls in my corner too if I were going through the same thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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