Chapter 4

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I'm just going to keep alternating POVs until I find a vibe I like. Right now I'm just so undecided on who to go with! (Especially on like future plot ideas) But as for first person/third person I really like first person! What about you guys??



Sam has been getting more and more stressed as the time passes. More problems have come up including the food not getting here on time resulting in our kitchen staff being late to prep and plate. I'm grateful to have Laura and Fitz because as much as I like Sam, he's acting a bit too crazy for my liking.

"Okay guys," Sam sighs as he makes it over to wear the three of us had been standing, "What's done is done, but people are starting to arrive, and I need you in your uniforms." He explains and holds out the keys for me. "Still no word from Jesse?"

"He's caught in traffic." I say, and I hope that eases some pressure from him.

"Okay great. Grab his too and he can change when he gets here." Sam says before scurrying away.

"It's weird seeing him so stressed." Laura says as we walk towards the elevators.

I nod, "I only see him like this at work."

We all know how mellow he can be. He's easy to talk to, and fun to be around most times. Apparently not at work though. I suppose that is partially due to him being responsible over his career.

Sam was right that people have started showing up. There are a few guests mingling in the lobby as we step out of the elevator. We all look like slobs compared to these people.

Fitz holds the door for Laura then pushes it open for me as I trail behind them. The heat hits immediately. I do not want to be out here longer than I need to be. It has cooled down quite a lot, but still feels humid and gross. We walk around the side of the building to find the van and I unlock the door.

"I call the good tie!" Laura shouts as she slides open the side door.

Fitz and I look at each other with a groan, both forgetting about the tie situation. There's only one tie that isn't extremely frayed or riddled with stains.

Laura steps into the back of the van, "I'm changing here."

"Why?" I question and reach inside to look through the box of uniforms for my size clothing.

"I don't want to have to hide my clothes in the planter like last time. Noo thank you." She shoos my hand away and continues until Fitz and I are both out of the way of the door.

Fitz rolls his eyes but closes the door for her, leaving us to look at the white painted window.

I turn to lean against the door and reach into my pocket for my smokes. Offering one to Fitz, he declines.

"Trying to quit." He says and leans back and crosses his arms across his chest.

I nod, "Good for you? How long's it been since you made that decision?" I quirk my brow. I've never once heard him talk about an interest to quit.

He shrugs, "Today's day eight."

My eyes widened, "We were at Jesse's two days ago."

He laughs, "I drank. I didn't smoke."

"Oh." I nod with understanding. "It's too hot for this shit anyways. But God, did I ever need it."

Just as I finish my smoke I hear Laura banging from the inside. I turn around with the cigarette between my lips and open the door.

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