Chapter 5

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Claire's family had gotten a limo for us to get to the venue in. We each had a glass of champagne on the ride over, Claire and Amelia going for a second as I struggle to finish my first. It's not that I'm not allowed to drink, it's just been frowned upon by my family so the only time I ever drink is with these girls. Not that I see the appeal to it anyways. Wine gives me a headache most of the times. But champagne? It's too good to refuse a top up of my drink.

As we get closer to the venue we all get onto the conversation about Lennox and Amelia's past. Claire is more of the expert when it comes to boys. So, I just sit quietly and nod along as I finish my glass of champagne before it gets too warm.

The car pulls to a stop an we're not quite in front of the doors like we would usually be, and the driver rolls down the partition, "Sorry ladies, they weren't letting me wait behind the line of cars."

"That's okay." I tell him, it doesn't look to be too far anyways. We're on the same block.

"Wait until they find out they just made Claire Oswald walk." Claire shakes her head and follows Amelia out of the limo.

We all laugh, perhaps it's the bubbly in our systems as none of us are hard drinkers, but we all seem to be making light of the situation.

Amelia links her arm through mine and her other arm through Claire's arm and we make our way towards the front doors.

The doorman opens the door for us and I smile politely and say a quick "Thank you" as we pass.

"Let's wait down here for my parents to arrive. They're no doubt in the line of cars." Claire says and guides us to a counter to wait at.

"Smile." Is the only warning Amelia gives before holding up her phone in front of us. We all lean in closer and smile. Well, Claire does her pouty face thing, but Amelia and I smile.

"Beautiful." Amelia nods and I look over to watch her add it to her snapchat.

I look around the room and see all the other people dressed in suits and long dresses, it's the fourth year having this event and with every year passing people get more and more excited about how they will top the year before. I believe they included the newest bottles of wine and champagne from Denise's company, and as well I know that my mom has contributed to the gift bags as well. Probably wallets for the men and handbags for the women.

The door opening catches my attention and I watch as three members of the waitstaff enter. The first two seem entranced in each other's company, the man's eyes just glowing for the girl he's speaking with. But it's the third one that enters that catches my attention. His hair is a lot messier than I would've expected for a member of waitstaff. But it seems to just look absolutely flawless on him. His tie is left just hanging around his neck as he brings a hand up to slide through his hair. He glances over in my direction and I know I've been busted. Instead of looking away I flash a small smile. He doesn't even seem phased and he just looks away and continues to follow his coworkers.


I watch him walk to the elevators and wait for the door to open. I take a step to the side, so I can watch the three of them better and I catch Claire turning around to see what I'm staring at.

"Oh no, honey." She turns back around and holds my shoulders, "Not the waitstaff. There are much better men out there."

"I wasn't-" I try to explain myself but Amelia cuts in.

"You were." She nods, "You so were."

I shrug knowing I've been caught once more, "It's not like he'd be into me anyways."

"What makes you say that?" Claire questions with a tilt of her head.

I look down to my feet before I force myself to remain confident, "I smiled at him and he just looked away."

Claire raised a hand to her mouth, trying to hide a laugh but not doing so well at it.

"What?" I look back and forth between my two best friends.

"He's a man, what did you expect? Him to smile back? Come over and talk to you while you're with two other girls?" Claire explains when she realised I was clueless.

"You need to show interest without over interest." Amelia adds a little more gently than Claire did, "A simple glance with eye contact is fine, but you need to be the one to look away first. It will give him time to look over you without you knowing he's looking."

"But I would know."

"Yes, but he wouldn't know that." Claire raises her brow and smirks.

"Oh." Is all I say. I'm not used to western culture of flirting. I'm used to arranged marriages, forward men, and courtships.

"But not with him. Or anyone of that caliber." Claire shakes her head, "You've got plenty more fish in the sea."

I nod my head and smile, "Well thanks."

"Always," Amelia says and reaches over to squeeze my arm.

We wait a few more minutes for her parents to walk in and almost immediately the cameras begin flashing and people start chattering.

They walk over towards us three, Denise's arm linked through Jordan's. Smiles gracing their faces naturally.

"Don't you girls look beautiful." Denise says and kisses me on the cheek before doing the same with Amelia and Claire.

Her red dress was simple enough, hugging her figure in such a way no one would ever assume she was a mom.

"Shall we?" Jordan asks and gestures towards the elevator.

We all walk over together, and Claire is busy telling them about the incident with the driver earlier and how they should have the person fired for telling them not to be in line.

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