Chapter 6

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We're about an hour into the event by now, my job is to go around with champagne and wine to hand out for those who want it. Fitz has already had a drink spill down the leg of his pants, and Laura has been MIA since her first round of drinks.

"Have you seen Laura?" I ask Fitz as we cross paths in the kitchen, refilling our trays.

He shakes his head, "No, I'm starting to get worried." He pulls out his phone from his pocket, "I've tried calling her and texting her but no answer. Should we tell Sam?"

"Don't stress him out even more. She'll turn up."

I try to remain calm, but I have a feeling something isn't right.

I grab my tray and put it back over my arm, "Come find me if you hear anything." Is all I say before I walk out of the kitchen and into the dining area where people are still mingling and walking around.

I spot the three girls from earlier walking out of the bathroom. I decide that maybe they have seen Laura.

They all turn towards me as they see me approaching, "Can I offer anyone a drink?" I ask politely as I see their humoured smiles.

"I would love one." One of the girls in the green dress says.

"I'm okay, thank you." The girl in the silver says quietly and avoids eye contact with me as the third girl grabs a drink as well.

"Um, pardon me for asking. There wouldn't happen to have been a waitress in the ladies' room, was there?" If Sam knew how unprofessional I was being right now he would kill me.

This seems to have caught their interest as they all look to me and the blonde tilts her head. She was the one to speak up.

"No, I'm afraid not."

"Anything we can help with?"

I turn to face the girl with the silver dress, her brown eyes showing concern for the situation. Some of her curls have fallen out of her updo and they lay against the base of her neck, which makes me think about how much she cares about events like this. Because looking to the other two, whose hair looks like it wouldn't budge for days, she just stands out.

"Uhm, no." I say and gaze down her dress, showing off her curves in all the right places, "But thank-" I'm cut off by own thoughts as I look behind her to see Laura walking in with Jesse. Both in their uniforms, and can seem presentable, but Laura does not seem to be her happy, confident self.

They stay along the wall and I can tell Laura is headed for the bathroom.

"Um, sorry ladies, would you excuse me." I say and hopefully make up for my very rushed getaway.

I keep the drinks held tightly in my arm as I approach Laura, "What happened?" I ask and grab her shoulder with my free hand.

She avoids eye contact with me, but I can tell she's been crying.

"Nothing, Mav. I'm fine."

I don't loosen my grip on her as I turn to Jesse who is only staring with deep concentration at Laura.

"Hello? You've been gone for an hour." I say in hushed tone.

"We'll talk about it later. I'm fine, I promise." She looks up to me, her blue-green eyes look red around the edges and it makes me want to drag her out of here, so she can tell me what is happening.

I let go of her just as the sound of heels approach us. I don't need to turn around as I see the three girls from earlier stand beside Laura.

The one with the green dress wraps her arms around Laura's shoulders and takes her into the washroom, the one with the black dress following too.

"We'll take care of her." Is the only thing said before the one with the silver dress follows too.

I watch them all disappear then I turn to Jesse, "What the hell?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Not my place to say anything. Laura would kill me. You know that." His gaze flicks up to over my shoulder and I turn to see Sam.

"What are you two doing in front of the women's washroom?"

"Laura came in here crying. We don't know why. Or at least, I don't."

"Oh," Sam looks back and forth between us, "Should I get someone to look after her?"

"Three girls from the event are already helping."

"They're what?!" Sam's eyes widen, and he tries to keep his voice down.

"It's fine, they didn't seem that important. They were actually nice." I explain to ease his nerves.

"Doesn't matter, oh my gosh, I'm so not getting another event." He sighs and closes his eyes.

We stand in silence for a moment before Sam regains himself.

"If Laura's going to be MIA for the night, I need you two both on the floor. Keep an eye for her, but please just make it seem like you're working."

I nod my head and walk away, hoping to find Fitz in my midst of handing out drinks.

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