1. Cops and Donuts

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With a wave of immense satisfaction, you flung yourself onto your beanbag chair, staring up at the tiled ceiling of the building you worked in. You never really understood the point of having friends when one could have a beanbag chair that remembered you every time you sat on it, already carrying out the imprint of your body, making it the perfect chair.

The city of New York was a bustling hub of human activity, never once knowing the sound of silence. You thought that if the city ever were to grow cold and desolate, it would mark the end of the human race, for the city you lived in was the head of a growing human empire that was scattered all across the globe.

And you were its protector! Just the thought of that sent chills down your spine, the way that the lives of over eight million people rested on your shoulders, depended on your actions.

It had been a long road to get where you sat now, comfortably immersed in your beanbag chair imported from China. Most of it had been paperwork, but only through hard work and determination had you been allowed to stand where you sat now.

Your fingers played with the golden badge that was proudly strapped over your breastbone, catching the glint of the harsh lights above. "New York City Police Department," you read aloud underneath your breath, feeling elation course through your mind at the thought. You had gotten the job only a day ago, but the day had already been full of activity.

Not only had you rightfully earned a beanbag chair, but you had also earned a great amount of respect within the community as well. Perhaps it was something about the badge, the way that it commanded an air of respect as you walked in the streets, letting the entire city know that you labored both night and day working to protect them so that they could sleep safe and sound at night -

"Hey intern, can you get me a coffee?"

The command snapped you out of your fantasy, once more sending you spiraling back to reality. Okay, maybe you had been exaggerating just a bit. You had been hired by the NYCPD yesterday and earned a cheap plastic badge as the only thing to show for it, but the entire gig had been completely worth it. You had earned your own beanbag chair and a small corner of the office to claim as your own.

Plus, your cubicle was even near the window where you had happily placed your cactuses. Such creatures did need love and nurturing, after all.

"It's (Y/n)," you grumbled, reluctantly pulling yourself out of the beanbag chair to fetch a pot of coffee. So far the job had proved to be nothing like it was advertised in the newspaper, an advert that had depicted the life of an intern as one where you would spend your hours deep in the heart of the city, solving crimes and ensuring justice for all...

But in reality, you were beginning to understand why there was such a vacancy of interns in the police department. Your day had been filled alright, moving back and forth as you filed papers and fetched both donuts and coffee for the police officers that worked within the building.

Yeah people, that's where your tax dollars pay for.

"Okay Sally, go get me the coffee," the police officer replied sarcastically, biting into a donut as he typed something into a computer. Upon closer inspection it seemed that he had fixated himself with playing Candy Crush.

You opened your mouth to respond with a retort but then decided better of it. As much as you hated the majority of the people that worked here, you were desperate to keep the internship. It was the only one you could find within the city that offered full pay, which was essential if you wanted to keep up with the extraneous rent on your apartment on the outskirts of the city.

You trudged over to the counter and began to pour the steaming pot of coffee, wondering why the police officer couldn't have bothered himself with walking five feet to get it himself and turned back around to give the steaming pile of liquid back to him.

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