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I just want to let you guys know that I'm really aware of how awful this book was and how short it was. I wrote the entirety of this book from October 23rd to the 30th of 2018 and released it on Halloween. This is the most I've probably ever written in a short amount of time so my writing is going to be reflective of my deteriorating mental health.

So these are just some plot questions that I'm throwing in at the very end of this book to clear some things up. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

1. Why was this book so short and awful compared to everything else you've written?

I wrote this in a week.

2. Why was the reader tortured and basically hated on by Dust for the first half of the novel?

Good question, I'm glad I asked myself this. You see, there's this thing called plot that I try to shove into my books - though it doesn't always end up going very well. Basically, I wanted the relationship between the two to develop and I felt that it would make for an awful storyline if Dust happened to suddenly fall for a random human that he was intent on torturing and killing.

Rather, their relationship develops as the two of them are on the run, slowly rebuilding their mental health and they lean on one another as means of recovery. Through this, Dust and (Y/n) forge their relationship and hence tie into the x Reader part.

3. Why would the reader even want to be with someone who tortured them in the first place?

So after Dust escapes from the compound where he and (Y/n) are transported to, (Y/n) doesn't necessarily have a choice in the matter since they're literally forced to go with him. One reoccurring theme within the novel is that (Y/n) has several allusions to past lives.

I have this theme throughout all my books that (Y/n) is a character that hops from universe to universe. When they die, they are randomly shoved into another universe and the cycle repeats with their memory wiped. However, the memories aren't totally gone and there's a sense of deja vu that (Y/n) gets when they see Dust, remembering the relationship they had with the other Sans in past lives and thus feeling a sense of commitment to stay with him.

Through them staying, (Y/n) begins to recognize that Dust really isn't a cold-hearted killer, but rather the victim of Frisk's resets, which eventually drove him into insanity. This understanding is too shared with the fact that these two characters have both been through insanity and (Y/n) realizes that if they were able to recover, than Dust could as well.

4. Why was the ending so strange?

The progression of this story basically has (Y/n) and Dust being able to understand one another fully and entirely. As they know each other more and more through all the stuff that they've been through, their souls become so identical that they're almost the same.

Thus, the determination and power within Dust's soul transfers and sort of combines with the human properties of (Y/n)'s, allowing then for the option to reset. And that's how the story ends or rather begins, with the two of them living their life out in Snowdin and everything is happily ever after.

5. Are there any more books coming out?

Yes! After this book, I'm going to begin working on having Shadows and Monsters (Nightmare x Reader) as my nanowrimo project for the month of November. After that, I intend on having Before the Storm - which is a reader insert that takes place in the Handplates universe - entirely prewritten and releasing that sometime soon.

After that, a book called Cheating Death (Reaper x Reader) will begin updates starting near the beginning of January 1st!

Any more questions? Feel free to ask!

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