Chapter 2: The New PR person

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Partying the night away, Grey had once again had spent his time 'nuissantly' as his father put it. He  had another heated argument with him over the phone. Thus, perpetuating him to do such thing.


'Father' Grey answered the phone non-chalantly

'Where were you? the airline had a merger yesterday. If your EA didn't call then it would have failed!' his father angrily reprimanded. Grey had been sailing in the Carribeans since Wednesday so no one had been able to contact him.

'So what?' he retorted whilst making his father fume more.

'I've had enough of your immature acts Grey! You will return to Greece at once and become the CEO I want you to be!' he emphasized every word before putting down the line.

End of Flashback


He was woken up abruptly with light seeping in through his room. Hence, fuelling his irritation. He have hangover and being disrupted from his sleep is making him mad.

He vested his attention to whom has the nerve to barge in his room. There stood a woman in matching black corporate attire, in stencil skirt and in what appears to be 5 inches high heels.

Her face becomes more visible to him as his eyes adjusted evenly to the light. Her black hair in sleek hair bun, rosy cheeks and plump lips that let him see how beautiful she is even with her minimal make up.

'Good morning'  she greeted that woke the two women in his bed whom he doesn't even remember the names.

'I believe its time for you to leave, just go to the chauffer downstairs, tell Karmie told you to find him  and he'll  drive you to where you need to be.' she  told them off, telling them indirectly to get lost.

'What the hell?' He asked, as realization dawn at him. Yet despite of his protest, the woman ahead of him stood her ground.

'Nice to meet you too, Mr. Mithweald, I'm Ms. Karmie Johnson, your PR practitioner starting today' she said with confidence. Her honey colored eyes look at him with a stint of unriveled determination.

'Now unto business, you need to be in an afternoon monthly board meeting for the Mithweald airlines. You have thirty minutes to take a bath and prepare yourself. Meet me downstairs and we'll go to the company.' he told him as if she had already established that he will listen to her.

Staring at her, he wondered what kind, did his father sent him this time. But then again every single previous women employees his father sent ended up in bed in him so why waste time.

As to this, he let the blanket fall off his waist as he proceed to pick up his boxers. Normally, women swoon immediately at the sight yet she ignored him instead by looking away. Blush crept at her cheeks, embarrassed of what he did.
It was the first time, a woman didn't instigate herself to him with his intention is clearly to seduce her to his bed.

'Hey' he whispered that had her break their  distance. Another first. Women were drawn to him like a magnet except this one.

'Oh so you are the shy type, I can work with that' he said that had the woman sighed deeply.

'Babe' he approached her, and in a matter of minute, he had his arm twisted on his back with him on his knees.

'Listen up you punk, I am not one of your fuck buddies. I am your Publicist, you will listen and respect me as I do the same with you. Do something like this again and I won't hesitate to break this arm of yours, got it?' she stated,  dreadingly putting pressure that increased his pain whilst making him nod.

'That hurt, I was just messing with you a bit' he winced when she let go.

'I'm glad you felt it cause just the way it should' she replied.

'Oh and remember to meet me exactly after thirty minutes' she demanded, staring sternly that had him raise his hands.

She smiled, the kind that had him thinking that there's more to come. 

And so Grey figured it'd best to go take a bath and follow her for a while.

When he was done, he saw a pair of clothes and shoes placed on the bed.

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