Chapter 5: Placing her hopes in him

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'Good morning' she greeted an already eating Grey. He had a loosely tied robe on, showing his well-sculpted body in boxer short.

'Goo~ mow~nin' he said with his mouth filled with toast.

'What are you doing?' she querried as he continue stuff more in his mouth.

'E~~~ti~~~ng' he answered that had Karmie furrowed her brows. Heck she didn't what to make up with his brows..

'Yes, but that's not the way. You eat like a caveman,' she empasized.

'Hey,' Grey protested like a kid as she moves his plate away from him.

'You're stress eating. Stop it,' Karmie said whilst putting her one hand over her waist.

'I'm not,' Grey argued as try to get back the plate but fail miserbly.

'Yes you are, and if you don't stop, those perfectly toned muscles that you have will be no more. They will be fats. Is that what you want?' she asked.

'Look, I know you feel miserable on certain things but what is done is done. Now the best thing you can do is move on. You're rich you can do whatever you want. You can either change for the better or you can just become a fat and sad rich kid who will have regrets all his life because he never pursued things that can make him this awesome guy no scratch that brilliant guy that he can be,' she noted.

'Thank you for that pep talk, but still
...' he sighed as he laid back his chair.

'...why bother if I, myself don't know what to do. And if I were you, I would stop associating with me or anyone from my family. Its for the better,' he continued.

'Mr. Mithweald, I don't usually say this to my clients but it was never a matter of job or money to me. I am a publicist because I love helping people love themselves by being who they are and pursuing things they are passionate about,' he smiled timidly.

She had him faced him and had put his hands over his shoulders.

'This time, I'm placing my hopes in you. If you believe that you can do it, then I believe you. If you fail, we try again, if its not working, we find other ways to make it. That's life. I know its shitty at times but if you live it right, then all else follows," Karmie said tapping his shoulders.

*Ring Ring

Her phone rang, making distanced herself from Grey.

'What? Yes I understand. we'll be there' Karmie answered her phone.



After yesterday's heated argument between him and his father, the least he expected is coming the next day to Mithweald's Group of Corporation HQ with his publicist.

There so much things going on his mind and the least he want is another argument in the HQ.

Walking towards the building, he was greeted by a familiar view. There stood a man in his 70s in Navy Blue suit with yellow inner shirt.

'Uncle Lou,' he called out.

'Grey, son' Uncle Lou acknowledged, as he give him a man-type of hug. He may not be his blood-related son but he had always considered Grey like his own. When his father wasn't there for him, it was Uncle Lou who had stood by him all throughout.

'Oh, this is?...' he asked looking way past Grey, towards Karmie.

'Karmie Johnson's sir. Mr. Mithweald's new publiscist. Its an honor to meet you,' She offered her hand.

To her surprise, she was pulled into a hug. Something similar to what grandfathers would give their granddaughters.

'Its nice to meet, do take care of Grey,' he said as he pulled away.

'Call me Uncle Lou,' he beamed making Karmie smiled.

'Sure thing,' she said.

'Lets talk in the office,' Uncle Lou stated as he motioned them to follow him.

In plaid sight though, his Uncle winked at him, showing him a grinning face as if saying I know something to which Grey negated by moving her head from one direction to another.

Uncle Lou persisted even giving him an ok sign in the elevator that made Grey chuckle.

'Is something funny?,' his clueless publicist furrowed her brows.

'Nope,' he denied incogorously.

Author's Corner:

Hello there!

I hope everyone's doing fine amid the COVID-19 pandemic. With the on-going lockdown, I wish you guys' and your families' safety.

This is me trying to gradually write again. Hopefully, I finish book within the year.

Share your thoughts to me. It can be about the book or about what you are experiencing right now. ^_^

Just comment down below.

Thank you and lovelots,

Marie XOXO

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