Skl~ punishment

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{dish be smut meh dude don't read it if ya don't like it, thanks}

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{dish be smut meh dude don't read it if ya don't like it, thanks}

              All of the paladins sat at the table waiting for hunk to finish up their lunches, while they waited everyone decided to talk around. pidge and allura talking about whatever while the three very attractive males flirted with each other like usual, they were all dating so it wasn't anything new. Hunk finally walked out letting everyone know the food was ready while he carried a large plate with food goo sandwiches and seven smaller plates one for each of the paladins including coran.

              Shiro and Keith sitting on the outside of lance while allura sat at the head of the table with coran, pidge, and hunk all sat on the opposite side of the lovely trio. When shiro finally spoke up saying "are we gonna eat it or just stare?"

                Everyone started laughing and when it finally calmed down they all started eating

-=time skip brought to you by flying waffles=-

         shiro and the other two boys walked to their shared room at the same time the others walked to their own. The younger boys giving each other a devilish look before walking into the room. As they walked In Keith pushes shiro into the wall and connecting their lips, not planning to ever release. The older man was highly surprised but not at all complaining while lance locked the door behind them and watched the two boys feeling the tightness in his pants begin to grow more uncomfortable. When Keith finally released to take a breath he dragged shiro to the bed and managed to say "you mind being bottem today baby?"

               While the two panted out of breath barely able to control their breathing lance began to undress as did Keith. Once the pale boy removed his shirt shiro said "I don't think I really have a choice do I?" He said between pants barely being able to speak clearly.

              With shiro on his back and Keith looking down on him lance decided to interfere and maneuver shiro onto all fours his ass against Keith's hardened member through the single piece of clothing he had on, his boxers. Shiro standing on his knees to take off his shirt, "god damn are you hot!" Lance said earning a blush and a chuckle from both boys just before he removed the rest of his clothing.

              Keith decided to wrap his arms around the older mans waist to pull him closer, giving him more access to his beautifully pale neck. The equally pale boy behind him leaving marks wherever he went, shiro decided to experiment by grinding his ass against the boy hoping to get an excited reaction from the smaller boy only getting a muffled and low  "nngh~" from him. Lance decided to get closer to shiro by pulling him down to be face to face with his cock "impatient are we?" The Cuban boy rolling his eyes decided to respond with "would you rather I ask politely?"

"Yes," the man said for entertainment

"Fine, would you please suck me off baby?" Lance said with a heavy blush across his face his hard member rubbing uncomfortably against the soft fabric of his boxers while shiro slowly pulled them off with his teeth admiring his clear and gorgeously tanned skin "no teasing baby," came out of the boys mouth causing the two others to flinch since it was so silent in the lust filled room.

Shiro comply'd by pulling his and lances boxers down completely, getting a shiver down his spine from the cold finger he felt against his entrance. Neither had really noticed keith went to get lube, but he did. He's now only resisting the urge to stick it in raw with no preparation and fuck his till he can't move, but he knows what it feels like and didn't want to hurt him otherwise he'd refuse to be beneath him again. As these thoughts ran through his head he remembered the wonderful thing he bought the other day just for shiro. Leaving the other two men to their business while he got it, since he knew shiro was into bondage and had used it before on lance and him, he wanted shiro to know what it felt like being helpless, and Keith wanted to know what it would look like if he were helpless.

While he left to get the ropes shiro sucked on lances dick hoping for literally any kind of sound, it was far to silent. As shiro got lost in thought lance got tired of him staying in one place and shoved it down his throat, he got what he wanted... kinda. Shiro isn't used to the feeling so he gags which isn't all to surprising considering lances size. He still took it.

As lance continued his harsh pace almost mercilessly, Keith stared in awe at the sight. When shiro finally fought against the tears he noticed Keith staring and purposely did an over exadurated  Moan, sending vibrations through to lance finally getting him to cum with a loud grunt. And with another he swallowed. Looking up right after to realize lance had a smug smile

When shiro looked back over to where Keith was once standing he was slightly confused,

"where did he go?"he asked only to have his question answered by the slightly smaller boy behind him pulling him back up, and upon the feeling shiro sounded off a soft moan blushing when he knew he didn't do it on purpose this time. Noticing that Keith was slowly pulling the  tan rope under his arms, and across his chest "w-wha-what are you do-doing?"

"Mmh~ that's for me to know and for you to find out," Shiro had more questions for Keith to answer but he didn't have time before he had rope knots exploring his body and painfully tightening on his thighs, and arms. The ropes there for the younger boys to get more enjoyment and for shiro to learn what it's like for them to always be pliant and submissive, maybe even earn them self's some respect from the muscular man that always fucked them from behind only having a say if they want it faster, or harder.

"Damn shiro, you look so fucking hot like this."

"Yeah we should do this more often~" Shiro turned an even darker shade of red at the praise and looked slightly shocked from lances reply to it.

When he was finally dropped back into the pillows face first, Keith lightly pushed against shiros entrance earning a higher pitched squeek from him, his white tuft of hair stuck to his face with sweat.

1097 words lemme know if you want a part two or if you liked this, it's my first time writing smut so I'm sorry if it was bad 😂

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