Love💞~ kl// (A/N)

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Hella damn sorry that I haven't been posting, I've been trying really hard to keep up with all my social media n' crap but lately it's been difficult

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Hella damn sorry that I haven't been posting, I've been trying really hard to keep up with all my social media n' crap but lately it's been difficult. Although I am working on a couple stories for this book which should be coming within the next month(don't hold me to that 😂) back onto the I've been really busy thing trust me it's not an excuse, I wish it was.

   It's getting around the horse showing season so I'm drowning in everything horse atm, I've had a bunch of cosplay crap I'm tryna get done but harshly failing at, and for gods sake because the world denies me release from being an emo fuck boy I can't get my shit together emotionally or physically. So I'm slowly dying, might not sound like a lot but there's more 😂

    Also starting to think about a possible posting schedule, I'll try to post on either fri/sat/sun but I can't promise anything cause I'll either be out of content to lazy to do it or have a story that I post on a Wednesday cause I'm proud of it and don't wanna wait and end up not posting that weekend 😂👌🏻

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