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Art by: jaspurrlock

{this is a smut story which contains graphic content if you can't handle it or don't like it skip this story~}

(And this isn't a part two to the last smut I did cause I kinda got bored of that for one and two, I had no idea how to continue it 😂🤷🏻‍♂️)

Coming in after a long hard day of missions laughter frustration and a lot of sweating, Everyone on the team was drenched in sweat. but a certain blue paladin made it look sexy. With his hair stuck to his face and slightly messy from all the movement, to the sweat droplets on his tanned skin making his tight suit stick to his body like a glove, lance looked amazing. My slightly longer raven black hair only made me look like a tornado struck my head, along with a couple rain storms that came in after to join the party. I'd never know how he did it.

As the teams registered emo you'd never think of someone liking me, or the other way around, but thats just it. I've always had a huge crush on lance. I don't think anyone's ever noticed it considering how often lance and I are fighting but after this mission I feel a lot closer too him.

As we walked out of our lions heading to our separate rooms the taller and much tanner male walked started up a conversation  for no apparent reason. "Hey keith," he started.

"Hey lance, you need something?" I said confused due to him never just casually talking to me.

"No no no, I just... wanted to talk to you," he responded a little shaky.

"Are you sure nothings wrong?" I asked in concern my smile gradually becoming more fake.

"Yeah everything's fine, I just... ok u-um to tell you the truth I really need to get something off my chest" the seconds of silence felt like hours, only making the situation more awkward than it should've been until I could choke out, "And that is?"

Which is fairly snarky considering his obviously uncomfortable state, ignoring it I said again "come on, spit it out lover boy" the last couple words coming out sounding a bit like a laugh he finally responded

"I uhm, I-I.. I like you keith" his face impossibly got more red than it already was, making his face somehow  brighter than the base color of my jacket as I felt mine turn the same color he said again "I like you... as more than a friend," I repeated his sentence back to him switching my name with his

"I like you to lance... as more than a friend," with the amount of tension in the room I surprisingly refused to stubble over my words "Can I kiss you?" Had come out of my mouth only seconds later as we we're found to be much closer than before, only having a slight gap between body's and an even smaller one between lips especially since they were now pressed together as he pushed me against the wall. With his room being the closest which was also only ten feet down from us currently. Also being where I guessed, or in this case hoped we would end up. My guess was correct and my hopes were answered when I felt his arm moving to open his door. It was a blur getting there, and a struggle to stop thinking about his  Tongue  against my teeth and the way he dominated over my smaller body.

When we got inside his room he gave me a look as if to ask if this was what I wanted and all I did was nod while giving him a reassuring look just before I tugged at his shirt almost begging for it to come off before I took off my own soon fallowing with our pants and leaving us in our boxers. His abs extremely visible and seemingly sculpted by an amazing artist that could've been mistaken for a god, his body never ceasing to impress or amaze me.

As he walked back over to the bed where I just plopped back down carelessly letting myself go resulting in my body bouncing and flailing like a rag doll just before he got on top of me and between my legs with a smug grin only showing how much he enjoyed this while I lay there pretty much defenseless against whatever move he decides to pull next. The thrill of it making my heart beat far faster than before.

He started to grind against me while planting kisses along my neck that left unwanted marks on my pale skin even though I loved the feeling I knew they'd cause problems later on. As I started thinking about his tongue against my skin all I could think about is how bad I wanted my ass filled with his most likely huge throbbing and currently hard cock thinking about that and nothing else caused me to finally let out a couple words breaking our rough hungry kiss "l-lance~ I need you in me so bad I can't hold it back anymore, f-fuck me, please!" I finished my obviously surprising sentence only to hear him respond with

"Aww~ is keithy being needy?" He said his voice deeper and more hoarse than usual -god is it sexy- his  beautiful ocean blue eyes now dark and filled with lust when I responded,

"Please..... daddy.... please f-fuck me, wreck my ass, whatever you wanna call it just ~nggh~ get inside me!" My faces color no longer effected by embarrassment although not being able to hold back a moan while trying to speak is extremely embarrassing how could you blame me, his tongue was on my now hardened nipple swirling his shiny, wet saliva around the now pink bulb. After biting lightly he finally responded,

"I don't know baby boy, I quite like hearing my kitten beg~" god did his voice turn me on, at least it turned me on enough to desperately beg once again,

"~ahhng~ please daddy, I need you so bad!" My whiny voice obviously getting the best of him when he reached for the lube at the same time as saying

" whatever you say kitten, I still have to prep you though,"

"No, I won't need it..." I said shyly with a high dose of desperation for his response

"Has my kitten been playing with himself?" He said he's voice somehow dropping pitch once again " I don't know I might just have to see that for myself,"

"God fucking damnit lance, just put your dick in my ass already, I wanna ride you till I break," I said still underneath him. Quickly noticing this I pushed him back almost as quick as you could snap your fingers, automatically removing my boxers and frantically removing his.

Once I finally let both of our friends free, I landed back on top of him

Time skip brought to you by a lazy piece of shit👌🏻

It was to much. Keith didn't know how long they were doing this, he had lost teach around the second dry orgasm. But it was all to much. Filling every sense you could ever dream of, his sight, touch, hearing, smell, and even basic movements, they were beyond him. Sobbing as lance fucked into him for the umpteenth time, grazing and abusing his prostate more than he was used to. Feeling may have been beyond him, but only in a way that made him farther than oversensitive. He'd gotten what he asked for.

His hole throbbing far past where it really was and legs shaking more than a vibrator on high as the last bit of strength he didn't even know he had was drained from him. The only way to communicate gone, the only thing making it past his now chapped lips were screams and sobs, mixed in with an almost rare nonsensical plea.

He was so hard it hurt, his untouched cock begging for release just as much as the rest of his body begged for more attention, more touch, more contact, more... lance. Tearing at the sheets with his unbalanced body he knew he would collapse if it weren't for lances hands gripping tightly at his hips, covering the small bruises he'd look at later to remember the moment.

It was beyond to much

But that's what made it perfect.

Part two coming soon💞💞💞

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