My Story

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I had a wonderful childhood. I can't say everything was perfect, but for the most part, it was normal and I was happy. Things took a turn when I started college. The pressure of work, school, and my social life in a sorority, started to overcome me. I knew I had anxiety, but it never bothered me too much. I could tell you my entire story, but that's only if you want to know about all my trials and tribulations. For now, I will sum it up. So how does a beautiful, smart, sorority girl end up looking down the barrel? Mix pressure, antidepressants, Adderall, abusive relationships, and homelessness. That is the perfect concoction for disaster. My story does end with success, but while I was on medication and extremely depressed I wrote some final thoughts about the world. This was to explain my imminent death and also be some what vengeful to Earth. I hid this note away for years, until now...

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