MISSION 9 (Operation: Magus)

105 5 61

...7 Malice devices...

The Venomous Sword

The Glass of Royalty

The Mirror of Demise

The Doll of lifelessness

The Twin blades of Naught

The Spoon of Injustice

The Key of the End

Neptune: "Really!? Again!? The Seven Deadly sins again!? CAN'T YOU THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE!?"


Ever since they were discovered the Dimension Squads have been busy every single day. These devices are made of pure evil and brings destruction to the worlds it infects... Currently the Dimension Squad have gained possession of one of these Malice devices from a robot known as Gendo, The device was said to have been incorporated inside the droids that Gendo controlled. After analyzing the pieces inside the droids. Nepgear found 4 shards of glass that she later assembled and formed into a mirror. After a much more in depth analysis the mirror was said to amplify the pride of the individual it was currently bonded too, increasing their self esteem into abnormal levels allowing them to act upon impulses that they didn't do before. In Gendo's case he was being forced to hold back his outcry. His repulsion towards those people who kept on deprecating him turned into an outburst of emotion that became a violent wave of bravado when he was given the droids who carried the device.

Ned and Hier lost one of the 7 Malice devices, this particular device was very dangerous as per research, it turns those of pure heart into violent and savage beings promptly dubbed as The Key of the ends. This device is now in the possession of the Mavericks who used the device's power to enter a world of Machines, where they are currently trying to take control of.

The remaining 5 devices have also been confirmed by other squads who have leapt into other dimensions while curing the infection of EMUs.

Neptune: "And since this situation has clearly escalated waaaaaaay too quickly~ I have decided that for today's mission each of you younglings from ages 17 and below will be paired with another Dimension Tripper in your squad along with a little surprise~"

Ned: "Oh no..."

Ciel: "Ehehehe... Another one..."

...Ned grunts at the overly zealous CPU's announcement while Ciel just simply scratched her head in wonder.

Hier: "Eithan is... Reacting...<What could this mean...?>"

Loz: "This looks promising..."

...Hier's left arm was shaking albeit slightly while Loz showed some interest in the surprise.

Jade: "What's with the large curtain?"

Maria: "This is exciting!"

...Jade observes the white curtain behind Neptune, while Maria felt energized...

...Neptune announced another one of her NOT so crazy surprises...

Neptune: "Each pair will be accompanied with~~~~~"


Neptune: "A DOGOO!!!!"

Everyone: "Uhh...."

Wait...what? that's not on the script...!

Neptune: "Surprise!"

...Neptune pulls down the curtain and as it hits the floor... Wait those aren't Dogoos!

Extradimension Ned & Ciel: Dimension TrippersWhere stories live. Discover now