Going out with a mate

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One Saturday morning I was going to meet a mate and she said to phone her so I did we arrange what we was going to do and what time we had to be home and cause I'm goth she likes me to wear my choker all the time.
At 12:03 She said let get food, I refuse cause I wasn't hungry she was angry at me then she grab me by the ear force me over her lap and said you are eating and started smacking my bottom and then she said come on we going to the shop to get you something. She continued to drag me and then took a pack of nappies off the shelf and took them to the till and then she went to the baby changing room and she said as you acted like a baby you will be treated like one so get your bottom on the table and let me place this nappy on you good girl don't worry I'm here for you I care for you that why I said you are eating one meal isn't enough for anyone and you will be using nappies,high chair,baby bottles,bibs and a dummy and I will change you when you need it and she then taped it on nice and tight and pulled my skirt back up over it and cuddle me and I promise to eat but you have to stay in nappies intill I say and I will always change you and feed you and you will be walking in reins so you can't escape.
She made sure I was comfortable and kept checking my nappy to see if I was wet or messy and then she picked up a baby bottle full of milk and made me drink as she kept me on her lap and kept the bottle in my mouth and placed her hand on my nappie and said go on wet it for mummy, I tried to hold it but she had won I soaked it and she was happy because she knew I unhappy about being in them. She then took me to the changing table and clean me up and put fresh nappy on me and then said your a good girl for doing that but im still not happy with you for refusing to eat but that not fair I'll eat from now on and please let me out of this nappy I don't need them! Yes you do as you wet one of them and I had to change, fine you win im not going to argue with you.

It was approaching 4:30pm I had been in nappies for 4 1/2 hours and being changed once and then it was time she said your coming home with me tonight as I don't think you will eat and plus you don't really want to have a wet and messy nappy all night so I decided to go with her and she began to change me and keeps on tickling me and making sure my choker wasn't to tight and she then place the dirty nappy in a nappy sack and place a clean Princess one under my bottom and said good girl keeping me happy but I still didn't want a nappy and a snack bottom so I continue to be good and then we started to walk to her and I was in reins and she held my hand tight and made sure my nappy was hidden away and we continue as she checks the nappy and eventually we get to her and she placed me in a highchair just with my nappy on and a bib and she go are you ready for din dins I say no but she give me an evil look and i let her feed me and bottle feed me as we were just finishing she checked my nappy and saw it was messy so she decided to give me a bath and got an old cot out for me and got a changing mat laid down in the bathroom floor with a clean nappy and powder and cream and a onesie, pair of mittens so I would be ready for bed after my bath.

I was placed in the bath she began washing me and shaved my legs hair again and I want to wash myself but she threated me with a smack bottom and straight to bed so I allowed her to wash me and she had brought in a bottle of milk for me and said going drink up your milk so your be strong she placed it in my hand and I started drinking and she had finished washing me and shaving so she grab a towel and dry me off and she laid me on the changing mat and she put baby oil on me powder and nappy rash cream, then a nappy on me and said good girl you didn't fuse about it, you said you would smack my bottom and send me bed I'm trying to be good I know I did and she continued to get me dressed and she then took me down stairs for my dinner and placed me in a high chair and started feeding me she told me that my bib says mommy little girl while she continue to feed me after ten minutes she noticed I had enough. You don't eat much do you? No not really why? Because you only eat half maybe less,oh I take it i need to eat more then? Yes you do, now be good girl and let me check your nappie and I will give you your bottle in five mins and you can sit on my lap and we will watch tv, ok mummy I'll be good girl.

She start to check my nappy and she thought the nappy was cute as it had princess on and it was thick so it was harder for me to close my leg once I used my nappie. She knew that I didn't want to not use my nappies but she had a plan she would continue to give me my bottle of milk and made sure I was drinking them all.

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