long sunday afternoon

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After she feed me my lunch she look down at my nappy and noicted it was dirty and soaked so she pick me up and took me to the changing table in the new nursery and began changing me and let me play with a rattle I was not in the best of mood and I was getting a smack bottom as I wouldn't stay still. I told her that I didn't feel well that day she said see how you go but you are a naughty girl for not staying still I'm sorry mum. It okay but you have been acting strange recently, well not drinking much and you have never eaten properly so that normal but you never seem to let me put you in nappies and change you so easy,you said you would smack my bottom so I'm being good.

Then her little sister wanted to dress me up and I didn't want to but my mate persuade me to say yes so I did she laid me down and checked my nappy and changed and then put all make up on me and took me shopping and they both said I was the baby sister for ever I didn't argue as I would be smack. I was then took to a park and they said I was allowed to play but I just sit with them as I hate parks so her little sister played and I was feed.

It was 15:30 Sunday afternoon my mate was still keep an eye on me while her sister got the nappy bag ready and my cot ready for me and all me bottles ready i crawled over to my mate and she said what that matter I said cuddler please and she did I started to cry she said what matter I told her that I had wet myself and I was feeling sick. She took me to changing mat and changed me and gave me my bottle to see if that helped and a little bit of food but I still felt sick so she allowed me to go for me nap down stair in the living room so she could keep a eye on me just incase i was sick. I was placed in my cot and left to in there I feel asleep but I threw up everywhere and my mate had only just left me and came back in a took me to the bathroom and got me a bath ready and had the window up and had a fresh nappy and clothes for me. I said sorry for throwing up she said don't worry little one I'll sort you out and get you nice a cleaned up and when we go back down sit by the back down for 5 minutes I said ok mum. She said good girl. I still felt very down and sick but she kept talking to me to make me feel happy I did cheer up once I was cleaned up and put into a new nappies and new clothes.

Then I was put into my cot and lefted to sleep for a couple of hours, she came back in after 2 hours I was still asleep and she checked my nappy I was soaked so I was change and put back in my cot after 3 and half hours I woke up and I was hungry so I was crying and she picked me and took me to living room where she grab a bottle and feed me and we watch tv for 2 hours then I was put into a high chair and feed my dinner. She then gave me a bath and put my pyjamas on me and with my night time nappy which was pink and had indicated on so they would know when I'm wet or messy and it picure of pony on.

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