Chapter 9

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Todoroki's consciousness faded, his last thought an almost untouchable figured of green. Shouto felt asleep before he could register the lone tear sliding down his cold cheek.



'Todoroki?' Midoriya eyes fluttered open only to reveal his plain ceiling.

He's been having a dream lately about his bi coloured hair friend... it's nothing out of the ordinary it's just his dreams on some days Todoroki would give him a Goodmorning kiss, then he'd wake up.

It wasn't anything too weird but it's real life that bothering him.

His date with Uraraka is in 5 days.

But he feels odd about it now.

He liked Uraraka before, not like a total crush, but when she shockenly confessed to him, he convinced himself it was ok to like her and went along with his feelings with the thought of dating her.

but now he's not sure how he feels.

It didn't faze him before but when he thought about it but Todoroki was infact his first kiss.

Todoroki the boy thats been by his side and on his minds for weeks now. He's changed some, he's more open and comfortable, he's especially more gentle especially when they were alone. Wheather they would kiss or not.

He was gentle, when pulling him in, when molding their lips together, Midoriya was more then embarrassed to admit he loved the way the taller would massage his scalp when he kiss him, how he held him like he belonged right there and didn't want to let go-

"ahhhh." Midoriya sat up and slapped his hands to his cheeks.

He shouldn't be thinking of his friend like this. Sure they actually did do all those things but it's just practice for experience.....its completely platonic.


Those suprise and random kisses they both been doing lately is just a friendly game it all, besides Todoroki started it and there's no wear he would want anything more.

Plus he had a date coming up.

"I shouldn't even thinking about this!" He mumbled trying to settle back into his bed.

"But...why does he look at me like that?"

He's not sure when it started, but they way Todoroki looks at him, makes his thoughts totally jumbled and stop, he can't talk, almost forgetting to breath but he likes it.... he's never seen him look at anyone like that before, they never speak about but he treats Izuku and it almost makes him feel good.

He likes that Shouto trusted him enough to even do such a taboo practice with him especially since their both guys.

'I wouldn't lie, Todoroki was more then attractive and though the topic never came up, probably, definitely, maybe preferred girls, he'd look wonderful next to a voluptuous, beautiful girl .... not a plain looking guy like me-'

Izuku ruffled his hair, frustration taking over him again 'why am I even say this of course he's likes girls and I do too so it doesn't matter if he would date me or not!' Midoriya was mentally screeming at himself at this point.

He wamted to just forget about it and go to sleep but he couldn't something in the back of his mind kept kicking him, the thoughts it allowed were one's that involved Todoroki.

Taking a breath again to calm down he layed out his base thoughts one more time.

I hanging out with Todoroki.

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