Chapter 14: breaking point

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Shutting the door behind him, he followed Todoroki into his room, it was dirty but there was miscellaneous scattered here and there, clearly untouched and his futon out and crumpled. Turning the lights on, and quickly trying to dry his face Todoroki looked anyway but Iida.

"Sit anywhere." he mumble plopping down in the middle of the room. His voice was horse and scratchy, he'd been alone all day so he's probably bern crying alot. Iida hasn't seen him looking this vulnerable since the sports and Midoriya fought him or saved him as he liked to put it. Todoroki himself would admit he's a better person after meeting and befriending The green haired boy.

But even then he'd composed himself rather quickly.

The Todoroki infront of now looked so worn out, broken and guilty.

Taking a seat at the opposite side of Todoroki Iida set down the bowl awkwardly.

Was he angry at Todoroki? no not really.

Is he angry at Todoroki after seeing him? Definitely not. He felt now he needed to help even more. for BOTH his and Midoriya's sake's.

"I brought you dinner. Cold Soba."

Todoroki eyed the bowl a few moments before speaking".. I'm not really hungry."

Iida frowned "Now i know that's not true. And even if it was you haven't eaten since bearly looking at your food this morning. You need to eat."

Both boys had a silence stare off which each other. Iida was prepare to have a full on debate on why he should eat and Todoroki knew he did so he simply sighed and gave in, pulling the bagged bowl over to him with a quiet 'thank you.'

The room remained silent, Iida let the other eat. And despite his words Todoroki couldn't lie to his stomach as he finished his soba rather quickly.

"Thank you for the meal." He said setting down the empty bowl and chopsticks.

"Your, mind telling me what's going on."

Todoroki ducked his head, quiet and visibly tense. His voice horse and hesitate. "...I...we making a mistake. Things were getting out of hand so I put an end to it."

Iida signed, figuring if Todoroki was gonna be cryptic and tell him straight out he wasn't completely ready to talk. Yet anyway, so he most likely wasn't gonna get a straight answer.

'If Todoroki made Midoriya upset, they're friends so ofcourse he'd feel bad about it. But seems to be just as if not equally in emotional destress so there's definitely more to this.'

Iida closed his eyes, thinking over Todoroki's statement. What can he get and ask from it that isn't pushing too much information.

"You put a stop to what ever it is and that's what made upset Midoriya?

The younger nodded "yes, I suppose."

"Then why are you upset?"

Bullseye. Iida thought a Todoroki visibly stiffened at the question. He was getting somewhere, he supposes. But He didn't have much time, nor was it probably the right time to pat himself on the back as Todoroki shaking continued as fresh tears starting falling.

If any bit of anger or annoyance was left in Iida for the dual quirk user was left in his body it would have definitely evaporated at the site before him.

Sadness. Confusion. Regret. It was all written on Todoroki face as he cried. Todoroki was a strong boy with strong resolve, you'd probably forget he was basically one of youngest in class, as well as his family, while lacking social skills, but seeing him like this.... reminded Iida he was as vulnerable as the rest of them.

Iida hesitantly moved to comfort the crying boy, his heart aching to see his friend like this even if he didn't know why. Said boy didn't react when he placed a hand on his shoulder so he fully moved besides him, rubbing his shoulder in a gentle hug.

"I'm sorry." Todoroki sniffled in shame.

"It's ok, get it out then we can talk." Taking a tissue out of pocket and handing it to Shouto, the boy thankfully taking it.

If someone told Iida on the first day of school he'd be friends with the stotic looking Todoroki boy, much less comforting while he'd cry he'd certainly think they would be crazy.

Still gently rubbing the younger, his sobs seemingly dying down Iida began to think, with Todoroki this way he had to handle this carefully, he didn't know what he was dealing with with and that was the first course of action but how to do thag with out upsetting both parties further-

"Iida?" Todoroki suddenly said suddenly, eyes red and staring at the floor, looking utterly drained.


"I...I like him, alot I'm no- I'm in love with him..."


"I'm in love with Midoriya." Shouto finished, eyes still clued to the floor, shimmering with regret.

Iida looked at Todoroki, suprise maring his face a few seconds before it sunk in, it made sense.

Squeezing Todoroki's shoulder with one last sigh Iida turned back to him. "Todoroki I know I said I didn't wanna push you, but do you mind telling me what exactly happened.. Atleast help me understand. Please.

Todoroki was quite for a moment before pulling his legs into his chest and hugging his knees, then practically whispering an uncharacteristically soft "ok."

Iida sighed in release,"Thank you"

"Well it all started-"

"WAIT- your staring now?!?" The class prez chopping the air in suprise.

"S-should I not?"

Coming down from his suprise, Iida cleared his throat in embarrassed, "my apologies your right, please continue."

"...right...well it all started because I just wanted to help him...and I guess out of curiosity to-"


"Ochako? Your back." Asui croaked in delight to see her friend back but her but her smile slightly dropped at seeing the bowl in Uraraka's hands.

"Did Todoroki not want the food? I know he mostly only eats cold soba but-"

"No no it's not like that, it's seems Iida managed to talk to him and he brought him some food already." Placing the bowl of food on Asui's dressing table, Uraraka climbed back onto the bed and snuggled closed to computer and Asui so they could continue their little, sleep over/ movie night.

Asui shifted to make more room for Uraraka. "oh I see. Is he alright though ? Do you think he had a fight with Midoriya because he's honestly been acting kinda weird lately and it's not like him to not be the first to worry about Todoroki or anyone for that matter." Asui voice with a finger under her chin.

"I think something happened too. But.." leaning back and pressing play on the laptop, Uraraka rested her head on Tsu's shoulder and sighed as the movie resumed,

"I think it's all gonna work out just fine soon."

(A/N We love and respect Uraraka in this house btw, she's too good for this world baby I'm sorry 😭)


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