Chapter 12: better this way

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"Can we kiss one last time?" Todoroki was taken back at the boys request, 'why would he want to?'

His long silence was evident when Midoriya cut the silence with frantic rambling.

"Uh I-I'm sorry, that's too much I shouldn't have-"

"No. It's alright."


"yeah I guess."

It had become somewhat comfortable for them through out the days but right now the air was thick and slightly awkward, a dozens things wanted to be said but stayed stuck to both boys tongues.

They moved closer to each other, knees touching and overlapping. They ending up just staring at each other a few seconds before Shouto broke the silence.

"Do you wanna lead?" He suddenly asked, causing Midoriya to slightly frown. He thought they were past that stage of verbally asking.

"You can lead if you want." He replied, he actually wanted to say he preferred if Todoroki to lead because he genuinely did but just settle for a simple, less embarrassing answer instead.

Todoroki seemed a bit hesitant but nodded moving a bit closer, Midoriya fluttered his eyes closed, waiting for impact. This was the last time and he was gonna savour it.

Unlike their first time as soon as their lips met, they instantly melted perfectly together, all matter of the outside world drowned out by the pure sensation of each others lips, taste, texter, how they were both gonna miss this- it was all they could think about right more.

More, More, More.

Both their bodies screamed, a heat spreading through them both. Todoroki at that time burying his hand in Midoriya's curls and asking for entrance, The freckled boy more then graciously granting access, the dual quirk user wasting no time as his tongue slipped in and started exploring izuku mouth as well as fighting for domination, a fight he won and Izuku was more then happy to submit too.

This still wasn't enough, he wanted more of Midoriya, he didn't wanna forget.

Todoroki started sliding his warm and cool hand under Midoriya shirt tracing the line of his hips and toned stomach, the sensation making Midoriya let out a small gasp against the other's mouth but he didn't pull away, he didn't want Todoroki to pull away, a matter of time he welcome the new sensation of the taller roaming his hands all over him, he wanted more.

They were both practically on top each other but after losing balance Todoroki was now ontop as Midoriya laid on the flopr underneath him. Their lips had separated briefly but Midoriya seemed unbothered by the fall, hungrily reconnecting their lips. Before even realizing with the added sensation of running their hands all over each other, Midoriya slightly tugging on the tallers bi-coloured tresses, their both softly moaned into the kiss.

Todoroki soon pulled away leaving Midoriya confused and majority disappointed but it imidiatly vanished as Todoroki warm lips connected with the shorter neck a more audible and pleased gasp leaving his mouth. eye fluttering close in ecstasy, he's never had somebody do this to him before and he doesn't know why it felt so good,. but he didn't want Todoroki to stop, he sucked, licked and nibbled at the shorter's skin, with added fire of Todoroki's hot breath against his skin sending unbelievably sparks electricity through Izuku's body. His fingers tangled in the tallers hair, pulling it slightly but not even to hurt though he doubt he noticed if it did Todoroki seemed to enjoy it. Midoriya's own moans becoming even more audible and breathy.

"To-todoroki." Izuku moaned, head fuzzy and more then above, not being able to focus on anything but the pleasure the taller was now giving him, he didn't really understand it, but he liked it.

Todoroki after to hearing the older moan his name like felt a fire light in him but there was something else, he suddenly pulled back, Midoriya biting back a winey huff at the disappointed on not having the older's warm lips against his skin. Coming down from his high, he noticed Todoroki was staring at him weirdly.

'He's not yours.. he'll never be yours'

"Todoroki?" he didn't answer just stared for few seconds before climbing off Midoriya. "Todoroki?" he called again in confusion.

"I think you should leave." Todoroki voice came out coldly, his face down casted, hair over his eyes.

".... what" Midoriya still very confused but suddenly Todoroki raised his voice "I said you should leave!" anger, hurt? and something else.

"Todoroki what's going on? why suddenly." Midoriya tried reaching for the older's hand only for him to violently pull away af he's been burnt.

"Look Midoriya. Can't you see what we're doing here is wrong?"

"... it's not wrong.." He muttered.

Todoroki stood up frustratingly running his fingers through his hair "Don't play dumb, if it's not wrong why do we hide from people, why do we keep this a secret huh? is it because you're embarrassed by it, by me?"

"No! I'm not! I love kissing you, I like being with like this!" Midoriya felt so angry, sadden and guilty by what Todoroki was saying, he knew he was right but he didn't wanna give up "I feel like everything bad disappears when I'm with you and I don't wanna give that up!" he knew he sounded selfish but he didn't care.

Todoroki let out another exasperated sigh " but it's wrong Midoriya." his voice became more somber as he continued, " and just now..I was probably gonna do something to you that i definitely know we aren't suppose to be doing and Uraraka, your girlfriend-"

"she's not my girlfriend."

"yet. she's going to be. didn't you forgot the whole reason this started? it's because of her, you wanted to be experienced. for her." Todoroki stung as he kept his head down listening to him make point after point. "You're suppose to be with her-"

"But what if I don't want to." Midoriya said with conviction. Todoroki didn't answer him so he simply continue walking closer to the talker. "What if I don't want to be with her, what if I want to be with somebody else. "reaching out and holding the tallers boys face, Midoriya looked him straight in his eyes as he spoke bearly above a whisper but Todoroki heard him.

"What if I wanna be with you."
Todoroki let out a shaky breath, mind racing. On one hand he was so elated by Midoriya's words, he wanted to capture those sweet lips of his and make sure they were his forever but on the other hand...the more realistic hand he was thinking how this wouldn't be good for either of them. Their relationship would bring them nothing but misfortune, and even if they looked past that, he wasn't entirely sure it would work out anyway.

Todoroki closed his eyes, savouring the warmth Midoriya's hands spread through his face. wishing he could have this forever.

Bringing his hand up to Midoriya's and pulling his hands away slowly, he looked the Freckled boy dead in the eyes,

'this is for the best.'

"Well I don't want to be with you."

Todoroki felt his heart ache as a fresh stream of tears pooled out from Midoriya's eyes. "Todoroki please, you don't mean that-I like you...I like you so much, we can try please-"

Todoroki held up his hand "I can't say I feel the same." he said coldly, ignoring the stabbing like pain in his chest.

Midoriya's seemed to take a few seconds to process Todoroki's words, his head starting shaking 'no' in disbelief while his mouth moved but nothing came out. Todoroki closed his eyes not being able to bare seeing what he did, how hurt the green hair boy looked. His sobs started to become louder but then he heard the door open and slam, the sobs quickly retreating.

Todoroki dropped to his knees feeling his entire body feel limp and wobby, his own stinging as his vision became blurry with tears.

"This was the right thing to do, it was better for everyone this way right?"

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