Chapter 2 - Just to get the feel.

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Midoriya slammed the computer closed face a blaze in bright crimson.

Even Todoroki, who was still desperately trying to maintain his façade, cheeks were dusted in pink bordering red.

The two of may have gone through about 4 ' tutorials, videos on and do's and don'ts, tips , techniques even. But almost all of them were insanely uncomfortable for both of them even the one with the cupcake, they can never look at a cupcake the same way again. Lastly they decide to just watch something with just kissing, but it quickly got really ... Sexual....twice before they couldn't take it anymore.

They both sat in an awkward silence before Todoroki cleared his throat and spoke up.

" um..get anything from that?" his tone seemingly normal but with hidden traces of uneasiness if you listen.

"um... unless not really."

"mmmmm....they did say getting experience is key for the perfect kiss." Todoroki tried adding.

"getting experience imply I get someone to "practice" with me and that's very unlikely to happen.... well unless you count a cupcake." Midoriya replied dry.

Todoroki smiled bitterly.

"Besides asking other girls in class would just be super awkward I'm not close to anyone like that and no knows I'm freaking out about this, this except for you."

".......Then how about we do it together?"

" what do you mean? Go partners hunting together?

"No ....I mean like.... we practice with each other?"

. . . . .


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"W-WHAT!?!?!??" Midoriya's face burned profusely as he stared at Todoroki like he were crazy.

"W-what ...N-n-n-o w-we can't we aren't we- don't you -don't- '

"I-I'm sorry,I.... I'm sorry I didn't access your feelings correctly, you'd probably be u-uncomfortable with that."

Midoriya paused at the boys unmistakably tone of guilt he didn't mean to make Todoroki feel bad, that's like the equivalent of kicking a puppy or cat in this situation. Kissing Todoroki definitely wasn't something he'd imagine or think about but the idea wasn't entirely off putting...

"If I agree..."Midoriya begun slowly a lump in his throat....."would you be completely comfortable with this?"

"Well yeah your actually the only person I would offer this to.... besides I might have never dated or had crush but I might someday and it wouldn't hurt to be prepared right?"



"So wanna do It now?" Midoriya said looking somewhere else, face ablaze.

"I suppose Suppose." Todoroki muttered.

next thing they knew they were both sitting crossed legged on the floor, facing each other, knees brushing.

They were both nervous but Midoriya was more then obvious as he fidled with his fingers.

"If you don't-" Shouto began pulling buck at Midoriya's discomfort but was quickly cut off.

"No it's fine. W-We should move closer." Voice suddenly stable and calmed as he wordlessly moved closed their legs now basically locked into each other.

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