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Before we jump into this story I have a few things I'd like to cover. This is the third book in a trilogy of stories. The first two books also use the Shadow Saga name and are called Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Shadows of the Truth and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Beta Rises.

Give those a read if you're interested in the finer details of this world and you find yourself intrigued. I'm going to include a basic summary of the first and second books here so if you're alright with feeling generally pretty lost or if you're coming over from Book 2 then this'll hopefully be a good refresher/recap.

Beta Rises takes place 3 years after Shadow Rayquaza destroyed most of Malena. The surviving Pokémon defeated him and sealed him away, they then began work on rebuilding and exploring every part of their small island.

Eventually strange forms of Pokémon begin to appear all over the region attacking the guild members during their quests.

A Marshadow is revealed to be behind these attacks, his deteriorated mind led him to lash out on the Pokémon after miraculously escaping his prisoners in the Shadow Realm.

The Marshadow creates a massive attack nearly taking out the guild, however they fend him off and prepare a counterattack. They make their way up the massive Dragon Mountain and battle with everything they have.

Marshadow is defeated in the end and he slowly regains his sanity, just then a portal opens up and a creature from the Shadow Realm engulfs the Pokémon in his entirety.

The guild prepares for the pending attack when the Shadows open another portal one year later. Six months after the battle against Marshadow, one of the guild members gets an idea and they form a new plan to finish the shadows off for good.

That's all for this introduction. I hope everyone enjoys the story and has a fun time while reading. I'm really looking forward to sharing it with you all so thanks very much! Have a great day everyone! Bye!

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