Chapter 3- Family.

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As they approached the exit of the claustrophobia inducing caves a bright light shone and nearly blinded Zen. As her eyes adjusted she pressed forward, leading the group until finally she stepped out onto the North Beach.

A cool breeze blew through the large expanse of sand and water. Palm trees darted the beach and the entire area was surrounded by forest that eventually lead to the large mountain range.

Despite the breeze the beach was very warm, the sand was especially hot and at first Zen wasn't sure she'd be able to walk across the sand.

As they progressed Zen got a better look at the clear sparkling water, just like all of Malena the water was beautiful and the rhythmic crashing sounds the waves made on the shore felt just like home in Coastal Town.

The sun was just beginning to set into the horizon meaning they'd spend the better part of the day in the Crumbling Mines.

Zen lead the group a bit farther down the beach to where the beach's town was. The small settlement was a town largely made up of the Slowpoke line.

The quadruped pink Pokémon wandered around the town, their blank faces always unnerved Zen.

The evolved forms weren't much better. Slowbro stood up on two legs and were largely similar to Slowpoke, except they had giant Shell Pokémon biting down on their tails.

Finally Slowking had the same shell Pokémon biting down on their heads instead of their tails. Zen hated these Pokémon. They were so powerful yet usually so unhelpful in most situations. She didn't want to deal with the Pokémon but she had no choice.

The various shacks that scattered the beach were made of palm tree wood and used leaves as roofs. They had a small dock where they could fish but it was largely an unknown settlement because of how unsubstantial it was.

"Why're we over here?" Maryland asked, anxious to get to the Underwater Castle. "Don't we have to take a tunnel?"

Zen nodded. "Indeed, but it is likely these Pokémon will know where to find that tunnel. We'll get to your home in due time, do not worry."

Zen approached one of the Slowking, she wouldn't enjoy the conversation but it wasn't like they had much choice.

"Hello there." The Slowking waved in a drawn out motion with his hand.

Zen sighed. "We're from the Bolt Guild, we were wondering if you could tell us where we could find the tunnel to the Underwater Castle?"

The Slowking processed the information and then he smiled and pointed at a waterfall. Upon further inspection a cave entrance could be seen past the waterfall. "Yep. Right down there. It's like a waterslide too.
Good time."

Zen was relieved that the interaction was so easy. "Thank you, now we'll be off." She turned to leave.

"Wait... who's that Pidgeotto?" The Slowking asked, glancing past Zen at Flutter.

"Well sir, I'm Flutter. Nice to meet you!" Flutter chirped.

The Slowking smiled even wider than he already was, which seemed nearly impossible. "It's you! You're the lost kid!"

Zen sighed. "Whatever do you mean?"

The Slowking ignored her and ran off to one of the buildings repeating himself. "I found the lost kid! I found him!"

"What in the name of Arceus was that all about?" Maryland bluntly asked.

"I'm not certain," Zen replied. "But I'm not sure I want to stick around to find out."

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