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Six Months Later

Zax wasn't all too thrilled that he'd had to wait so long for his vacation. Still, he knew it was the right thing to do.

But today was the day.

A number of boats were in the port. Some were Spearow Brigade ships bringing in supplies for construction, others were tourists.

Tourists had flocked to the island in droves once they'd heard about the Shadow Invasion.

The Guild was currently undergoing mass reconstruction. Which was being led by Ralph. At least the first floor was rebuilt at this point so the Guild members had somewhere to live again.

Central Town's reconstruction had faired better. There were far less big projects and it was mostly building homes. Most of the town had been restored to its former glory. But this time something new had been added.

A plaque commemorating all the Pokémon that had died in the Battle for Malena. As well as statues for Zen and Karl. With plans for one of Jason being in the works as well.

Alpha was standing in the doorframe of their dorm impatiently. "Are you packed yet?"

Zax nodded. "Yep! Just making sure all the papers are in order!"

The Guild had surprisingly encouraged the vacation when Zax finally brought it up to them. Flutter had offered to hold down the fort for them in the week they were gone.

"I can't wait to go. I hear Alola is a beautiful region." Alpha said. This was only the ninetieth time he's said this.

"Remember," Zax started as he and Alpha left their dorm with bags in tow. "I have to go with Marshadow to the Shadow Village before we leave. I'll only be a little while!" Zax said when he saw Alpha huff out a sigh.

Marshadow was waiting in the lobby for them. "Good, Zax! You're here! Let's get this finished up so we can all go on our way!" Marshadow had a long tour of the world planned for the next year.

Zax nodded. "Yeah, let's go." He set his bags down in the lobby and he and Marshadow walked out of the Guild.

They walked across the newly repaired bridge and into the booming Central Town.

Maractus tried to keep up with all the orders for her special drinks, commenting about she needed to hire more staff.

Hellbent was talking to a Spearow at the port about getting more supplies ordered. He'd taken charge in rebuilding the town on the Northern Beach.

Zax looked over the field where the battle six months ago had taken place. It was full of small homes and flowers now that the Pokémon of the Crumbling Mines had decided to live there.

Marshadow and Zax walked through the Magic Forest. Past the currently empty part of the forest that had been replanted.

Until they arrived at the Shadow Village. Where Shadow Rayquaza's prison had once stood, there was now a booming village of Shadows.

The creatures had been getting better with their forms. Now most of them had arms and were able to actually manage a village.

Marshadow waved the village chief over and they talked about how Marshadow was leaving soon.

"I talked to Kassidy and she's going to disable the Shadow Barrier soon. So you'll all be able to leave this island if you choose. Thank you for bearing with us while we tried to figure out how to reverse the spell." Marshadow explained.

The Village Chief seemed to exude joy. "That is wonderful! Thank you King Marshadow. Though most of us have decided to stay here. We quite like this peaceful island."

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Book 3: Gamma Gate of Shadows.Where stories live. Discover now