Fitz X Reader: Caught in love.

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"Boys!!! Get down here!!!!"
We had all been staying in a rented house for about a week now, it's been going great, and it's so handy, for instance:
I screamed at Mason from the other side of the house, because he he team killed me in CSGO. I got up from my chair, grabbed my plastic baseball bat, and stormed into Mason's room.
He yelled, getting up as his headphones were yanked off of him. He ran in circles running from me in his room. Cameron came in, and just stared.
"Oh guys, we're gonn- oh.. You're uh, busy.."
He said, following us with his eyes as I chased Mason with the bat. Mason screamed and yelped like a girl every time I hit him.
I said, hitting him in the ass, making him screech. Cam laughed and sat down by the doorway, being entertained by us. I hit Mason in the ass again, and he gave up. I got closer to him with the bat in my hand as he was cornered. He had his hands over his face pathetically.
"Don't hurt me! I swear I won't fockin team kill again cunt!!"
I laughed at him, and bonked him lightly on the head.
"You're free for now asshole, but you team kill me again, and next time it's gonna the he metal one."
Cam laughed. Mason sat back down at his chair, explaining what just happened to his online friends.
"As I was saying, Jaren and I are going out to get some edibles and beer, and I think Eric wanted to get some joints but I don't know yet. Are you staying sober tonight guys?"
Cam asked Mason and I.
"Oh Fock nah."
Mason said, with his really Australian voice.
"Yeah, I'll stay sober. I wanna make sure no one gets hurt."
"Well, I'm pretty sure Jay is staying sober as well mate, but sure, alright. I'm gonna get goin. Call me if Mason almost burns the house down."
"Got it. Bye Cam."
I said.
"Cya cunt!!"
Mason yelled as he walked out of the room.
End flashback
I sat on my knees next to Mason, with my arms on his desk as I watched him play CS. He shot someone in the head. I could hear the cheering through his headphones. He looked down at me.
"Do ya want my chair?"
He asked.
"No, I'm good. I can sit here."
"No, really, I can give you my chair if you want."
"What if I just sit on your lap?"
I heard someone say something through his headphones, I couldn't quite hear what it was though, but it made Mason blush.
"Mason? You alright mate? Your face is really red."
I said, kinda concerned.
"Uh, yeah. I'm f-fine.. You can sit I'm my lap if you want."
He said. I stood up and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder so he could use his keyboard and play. He seemed to be a bit flustered, but I thought it off as he might have a cold or something. I heard Jaren yelling at someone across the house, typical. Jaren was like the mother of the household. He also acted like my mother, far before we moved into a house. Jaren never wanted me to date people, because one abusive guy. If he ever even sees me do anything questionable with anyone, he gets mad., which, now that I think of it.. It would be a bad thing if Jaren walked i-
I jinxed it.. Shit.
Jaren opened the door, with a confused and somewhat angry expression.
"Y/n, Mason.. What are you doing?"
He tried to say calmly. Mason turned to him, taking his headphones off.
"It's alright mate, Y/n doesn't have a chair, so I let her sit in my lap."
I smiled warmly at Jaren, hoping he'd understand. He glared at Mason.
"Don't do anything weird.."
He said as he left. Mason continued his game.
"Jeez, Jaren is such a mom."
Mason said as he put his headphones back on. I heard someone agree, it seemed to be Jay, who was just in the other room. I got up and left the room. I heard yelling downstairs, it seemed to be Mario Kart. I went downstairs to join in.
Bordie POV
I had a small idea, I texted the group chat.

Bordie🍪: I have an idea.

Smithers: if it's weird, I don't approve.

McJay: you're not part of this, mom! What's the idea?

iNut: yeah, what's the idea?

Bordie🍪: whoever gets the most kills wins me.

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