Kryoz x Reader: Stockholm syndrome

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My alarm went off next to me. I grabbed my phone, groaning after setting it back down. I had stopped wanting to go to school after he took it too far.
*earlier that week*
He shoved me against the locker, hurting my back, and left hand.
"I know you fucking have it, give it to me!!"
He screamed.
"I told you! I don't have any!!"
I said back, my voice cracking. Normally, this wouldn't scare me. But the look of fire, anger, and desire in his eyes.. It didn't look normal. He slammed me against the locker once again, but this time, it only hurt my left hand, I felt three of my fingers pop, and one of them snap. I screamed in agony.
"P-please! I don't have any money!"
I said, trying not to scream at the pulsating pain in my left hand. He got close to my face, putting one hand on my neck, putting light pressure. It was almost.. Gentle. I stared at his face as he seemed to be thinking of what to do now. At least, that's what I thought he was thinking about. Because his face turned a light shade of red, as he seemingly realized what he was thinking. He squeezed my neck harder. I tried, and tried to get away, but I couldn't. I tried to move my hands, but by the time I tried to, I couldn't. I felt light headed. I looked in his eyes once more. And I saw his expression change. He was no longer angry, he was scared. He let go of me, catching me before I fell to the ground.
"Oh my god, what have I done?"
He asked himself before I passed out.
*current time*
I woke up at a place I couldn't identify. It wasn't my house, or anyone's I've ever seen. I seemed to be in a living room. I probably should been panicking, but I was too shocked to care. I sat up, looking around me in slight confusion. I saw a phone of the table. I picked it up, and turned it on. The picture was John. He same person who has been harassing me for over five years. And the same person who chocked me and probably brought me here. But why?
I put the phone down, and got up. My phone was no longer in my back pocket, so I couldn't call the police. I couldn't break out, because he would probably find me again. As I looked around for other possible situations, I saw a pill bottle on the kitchen counter. It said:
Take two a day
Prescribed for: John Kryoz
I put the bottle down gently, and looked at another bottle.
Anxiety pills
Take four a day
Prescribed for: John Kryoz
I snapped around as I heard something. I gently put the bottle down, and slowly walked toward the noise. I turned a corner to come face to face with John. I screamed, stumbling back in fear, hitting my leg on the coffee table. I groaned in pain.
"Whoa, are you ok?"
I looked up at him in confused anger.
"Why the fuck should you care? Where am I?"
"You're at my house. I uh. If you'd let me explain, I can bring you home."
'I don't wanna go home.'
I thought.
"Fine, explain quickly, or I swear to fucking God I will-"
"Fucking relax, ok? You don't scare me, just.. Sit down."
He sat next to me on the couch, sighing.
"I.. After you passed out, I had realized what I did. I understand that you hate me, and always will. But all I can do is say sorry.. After you passed out, I didn't know where to bring you. So I brought you here so you I could help you."
"Help me with what?"
I said, a little too nicely.
"I don't know. Help you heal? I have tea and stuff. Would you like any?"
"I'm so confused, why are you being so nice to me, after three years of harassment?"
"I realized, hurting other people is not how I get what I want. Also I really feel bad for what I've done to you."
There was a knock at the door. He got up, and answered it. I couldn't see it well, but here were two guys at the door. One of them had black hair, and brown eyes, while the other had dark brown hair, and blue eyes.
"Jaren? Eric? What are you guys doing here?"
"You haven't heard? No one can find that girl that you get money from. And- John.. Who is that?"
'Jaren' seemed to be looking at me.
"That's um.. That's her."
"Why is she in your house?"
A deep voice asked, but I couldn't see him.
"Come in, I'll explain."
I instantly got glares and angry looks. I felt as if their eyes were burning into my skin as they both sat next to me when John was getting something from the kitchen.
"Why the fuck are you here weirdo?"
Jaren asked.
"I don't fuckin know, ask John, he-"
Jaren suddenly snapped, and grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the couch.
"Don't you ever, call Kryoz by his first name, you little-"
"Jaren!! Let her go!"
John said as he came back into the room with water bottles, and a singular cup of tea. Jaren's hand hadn't left my already bruised neck. Tears were flowing out of my eyes as he squeezed a little harder.
"Why should I?!"
Jaren said.
"Because, I fucking said so, or you can get the fuck out of my house!!"
He said defensively. Why was he defending me? I probably deserved this somehow.
Jaren squeezed my neck harder, then let go. Still glaring at me as I chocked. John slightly panicked as I coughed up a little blood.
"Jaren?! What the fuck!? What the fuck did you do to her!!?"
He said, running to my side on the couch to make sure I didn't cough up anymore blood. He rubbed circles in my back as he argued with Jaren. I didn't focus on their words. I was only focused on the gentle circles John was rubbing on my back. It made me feel tired, and calm. It made me feel safe. I leaned back as he put his arm protectively around me, and continued rubbing circles on my arm. I fell asleep as I heard John talking. Seemingly explaining why I was there in the first place.

I woke up in John's arms. It felt weirdly normal. He woke up shortly after me.
"Oh, shit I'm so sorry."
He said, removing his arms from me.
"You fell asleep and kinda trapped me there."
He said, trying to defend himself. I nodded, rubbing my eyes. My stomach growled.
"Are you hungry?"
John asked me.
"I guess."
He went into the kitchen as I followed him. I stopped at a mirror. My neck was deeply bruised purple, and my hand was purple and swollen. John came up behind me, and gently moved my head to look at my neck.
"I'm so sorry. Jaren probably made it ten times worse."
He said, worried a bit as he examined my neck. He then grabbed my hand gently, and looked at it. One finger was kinda swollen, but it didn't hurt that bad, at least compared to my neck. He led me to the living room, sitting me down on the couch as he went back to the kitchen, grabbing something. He came back with toast and tea. He set down a plate for me.
"Thank you."
"No problem, it's the least I could do, considering what I've done."
"Do you know where my phone is?"
"Oh yeah, here."
He handed me my phone. I saw on the screen that I had 120 missed calls. All from my dad, along with a few texts.
Dad: get your ass home and clean!
Dad: why the fuck aren't you answering me bitch?! I said come home, or I'm gonna beat your ass!!
Dad: fine, you know what? Don't come home. If you do, I'm gonna make sure you can't feel your arms and legs.
My face drained of color.
"Is everything ok?"
John asked me.
"I- look."
I said, showing him the phone.
"Oh my god. What does he mean by that?"
"I-It means he's gonna r-rape me.. I don't wanna go home anymore. Please John, for the love of God let me stay.."
I said, breaking down. He held me in his arms.
"It's ok, you'll be ok.. You can stay with me, you don't have to go home.."
I cried on his chest as he kissed my head and hugged me. He looked me in the eyes.
"Listen Y/n.. I'm not gonna let your dad even touch you, ok? If he goes near you, I'm gonna kick his ass.. But you need to get your stuff from your house. So you can be safe here, ok?"
I nodded, knowing damn well this was my only option right now. Either that, or get raped again.
My father wasn't home, so I grabbed all the stuff I could (of course, with John's help) and we zoomed right the fuck outta there once we saw my dad's car coming down the street. We made it back to John's house, and he helped me unpack all the stuff into his spare bedroom which would now become my bedroom. It took a few hours, but we finished unpacking everything, and setting everything up. John stood next to me, with his hands on his hips. Looking at the room proudly.
"How does it look?"
He asked me.
"It looks cool I guess."
"What's wrong?"
"Well, I'm kinda moving into my own bully's house.. And I'm in constant pain because of my neck and hand, so.. Those are two of them."
"I know this is all really weird ok? It's weird for me too. Having someone I've bullied most of my life, living in my house.. It's strange. But we'll both get over this weird feeling sooner than you'll know. Until then, you should get some rest. You shouldn't go back to school until your neck and hand heals, but I'll make sure I cover for you at school, ok?"
I nodded, getting into my bed as John turned off the light. I turned on my princess light that my mother had gotten me before she died when I was little. I grazed my hand over the top of the light as it spun. John looked a bit confused as I turned the crank on a music box that had a ballerina on it.
"My mother gave me both these things before she died when I was 6."
"Oh.. Well, goodnight.. If you need me, I'll be downstairs."
He left the room.
This is so weird.. I'm practically falling in love with my kidnapper.

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