Chapter 6

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Stumbling and panting very heavily as yuri stepped onto the entrance of Natsuki's home, she couldn't help but think of the two possibilities: getting rejected or starting a new chapter of her life with Natsuki as her lover.

She gulped with her hand shaking but then calmed down and knocked. Hearing a thud from the other side, yuri took a step back and then the door opened.

" Who the hell are you? " A tall man answered with a bottle in his hand. Yuri froze up but stood her ground.

" I-I'm Yuri.. " She hesitated, " Natsuki's friend.. "

" Natsuki isn't home right now "

" Do you know where she might be? "

" Who's asking? "

Yuri clenched and unclenched her fist in annoyance and already realized natsuki's drunk dad won't budge.

" Sorry for wasting your time " Yuri slightly growled as she turned around and started walking away.

Closing the door, the drunk father laughed quietly to himself and walked back to the couch he was sitting in from before.

" Natsuki! " he called.

She rushed in from her room, " Yes papa? "

" Who the hell is Yuri? "

Natsuki heart started to race and she started rubbing her arm, " She's a friend from school.. "

" She was kinda cute.. "

" Wait was she just here? " Natsuki quickly said, ignoring her father's comment.

" You're not going out Natsuki " He stood up walking over to her and resting his hand onto her head, " You got laundry to clean "

Putting his hand onto her back and shoving her towards to the dirty clothes that was placed onto the washing machine, Natsuki sighed quietly to herself.

" Just another year and I'm out of this place.. " she mumbled in frustration with tears in her eyes.

" What was that? " the father growled.

" Nothing papa! " She shouted, " I'm starting the washer already! "

" Mumble anything else and you'll get the beating "

Yuri flopped herself onto her bed, hugging the pillow tight and glancing at the clock. It was 5:57pm.

Turning over and facing the small desk where she would work on her poems for the club, she felt like she doesn't have the chance to tell her how she feels today so she will write it in a poem and give it to Natsuki tomorrow.

She got up from her bed and walked over to her desk, getting the motivation to start writing.

It was now 2:21am and all around Yuri's desk was surrounded by crumbled up papers of the words that didn't explain enough about her feelings for Natsuki.

She rested her head on the desk, feeling exhausted and upset, she decided it was time to go to bed.

Suddenly, knocking was echoing the hallway and Yuri quickly stood up, thinking it was just her parents that always come home very late.

But this time when she rushed and opened the door, it was Natsuki.

" W-What are you doing here?! " Yuri almost yelled from the small panic. Natsuki didn't say anything but hugged her tightly.

The light from the porch was dim so it was hard to see so yuri suggested Natsuki to come inside. Yuri closed and locked the door and took a glance outside to make sure no one else was out there due to the kidnapping that Monika mentioned.

She then turned on the living room lights. Yuri didn't turn around to Natsuki but felt a hand press against her back so she wasn't able to move.

" Yuri, once you turn around.. Promise, you won't do anything " Natsuki weakly said with her voice cracking up from each word.

" What are you talking about? " Yuri answered and tried to look back.

Slowly taking her hand off Yuri's back, natsuki looked down feeling somewhat embarrassed when Yuri turned around.

Fresh bruises, a ripped up top and shorts with still quivering legs is what Yuri had to see from natsuki.

" Wh-Who did this to you?! " Yuri panicked more and rushed over to her room, " Come here! "

" Don't freak out about it! I'm fine! " Natsuki shouted while following.

Yuri pulled out pj's she used to wear and handed it to Natsuki, " Change into this while I grab some bandages "

" Yuri, I'm fine "

" At least change "

Glancing down at herself and not even realizing that most of her clothes were ripped off, she shoved Yuri out of the room and started to change.

Natsuki limped out of the room with her ripped clothes in her hands, she groaned from the pain in her chest. Yuri helped her to the couch where she started checking if Natsuki was bleeding from anywhere else, besides her mouth.

" Who did this? " Yuri asked with a concerned look.

" Who cares, right? " Natsuki answered coldly.

" I-I do! "

The both stood quiet. Yuri whipped the dried blood from Natsuki's neck, still shocked and trying to put the puzzles together.

" I can do this myself! " Natsuki yelled with a flustered face, taking the cloth from yuri.

" You did come here for help, right? " Yuri sat up, staring coldly into Natsuki's eyes. Looking away, Natsuki's eyes started to water, " Y-Yeah I did.. "

Yuri took the cloth back and continued cleaning Natsuki's neck. She started to hear quiet sniffles from Natsuki and took a small glance at her, who was still looking away.

" You are aware, you're not going to school tomorrow, right? " Yuri said as she put the cloth down.

Natsuki nodded.

" Okay good.. same with me " Yuri mumbled and rested her head onto the couch. It was 3:05am but both of the girls didn't feel like they could sleep.

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