Chapter 7

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The sun was up but Natsuki was still sound asleep, hugging one of the pillows on Yuri's bed. It was barely 8:30am and school started a while ago.

Yuri sat up from the floor beside her bed, stretching and yawning quietly. She insisted on natsuki sleeping on her bed last night. Glancing at the sleeping natsuki with her face almost buried into the pillow, yuri smiled to herself and then kissed the sleepy girl's forehead.

" H-Huh..? " she mumbled rubbing her eyes. Yuri with a red face, pushed herself away natsuki before she could open her eyes fully.

" I didn't mean to w-wake you! " Yuri said quickly, " P-Please go back to sleep.. "

Natsuki sat up and stretched, " It's too late.. I'm up "

She took a quick look at Yuri, who was looking down trying to hide her red face. The baggy pj's natsuki was still wearing was slightly rolled down, showing her bruised up shoulder.

" Does it still hurt? " Yuri mumbled as she stood up and walked over. Natsuki yelped from the pain when yuri put pressure onto the bruise with her finger.

" I-it's a bruise! What do you think? " Natsuki said in annoyance but with pain still stuck in her throat.

" I was just curious.. "

" Have you not gotten one before? " Natsuki asked.

Yuri shook her head, " I'm sorry.. but anyway, I'll go make you something "

Yuri was just about to step away but felt a small hand wrap around her wrist, tugging her back.

" W-Wait! " Natsuki called with rosy colored cheeks.

" Y-Yes? " Yuri looked back.

" N-N.. Nothing! N-Nevermind! "

" Are you sure? " yuri giggled and caught herself looking into Natsuki's eyes and slowly, her face started to bright up as well.

Natsuki let go and shoved her hand back onto her lap, " I'm okay.. you don't need to make me anything.. "

The room grew quiet but yuri gave a gentle smile then walked out of the room. Natsuki got the vibe that she wasn't gonna listen and end up making something for her anyway.

When did this feeling start?
This feeling in my chest feels just like last time.. but stronger.

Clearing away her thoughts, natsuki looked out the window and hoped her father didn't notice that she sneaked out. She couldn't bare the thought of her father end up finding her and only he knows what would happen next. It gave her chills down her spine and what the pain would feel like.

Maybe.. coming here was a bad idea..

She got out of bed, starting to take off the pj's and changing back into her ripped clothes. There was a big coat just siting beside the desk and natsuki thought it would be a good idea to use that to cover up her body.

She took it and put it on then started quietly stepping out of the room, limping with each step and felt her own legs quivering.

The soreness from all around her body, made her not want to go any further but she was already at the front door. She looked back at Yuri, who was didn't even notice due to cooking breakfast, Natsuki shrugged off the pain and opened the door slowly.

Yuri peaked her head up and looked towards the small light shining through, to an open door.

" N-Natsuki?! " She yelled and ran to the opened door, only to see natsuki running further and further away.

" Don't let me go again! " she yelled once more and started running after natsuki as fast as she could. Somehow, she managed to get closer, just enough for her to hear her own name being shouted. Natsuki just kept running, pulling the coat around her tight so it wont fall.

" Go away Yuri! " Natsuki yelled between her panting.

" Just when everything is fine, you leave me clueless! " Yuri shouted, " I don't get you at all! "

" This is not the time! "

" Tell me why! "

Both of them slowed down and stopped in front of Natsuki's house, exhausted and breathed heavily.

" What.. are you even saying.? " Natsuki looked over at Yuri.

The purple haired girl, grabbed onto the other girl's hand and held it close, " Why did you leave? "

" Be-Because! "

" Because what? "

" I had too okay? "

" You came to me for help! "

Natsuki took her hand back, " I know but- "

" Then let me help! Let me protect you from whatever that tries to hurt you! It's not a choice anymore! I WANT to help! "

Eyes slightly widening, Natsuki started to notice the tears that began to form from Yuri's eye and roll down her cheeks.

" L-Let me help.. " she sobbed quietly, " P-Please.. I love you.. "

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