Chapter 10

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It's been a year since Natsuki stayed with Yuri but which also meant, Natsuki's eighteen birthday was very close.

The four friends were in Yuri's living room watching: Alice in Wonderland

Monika hugged one of the couches pillows and was very glued to the movie just like Sayori. Anything that's fantasy-like always catches their attention. Unlike yuri, she was more into horror and Natsuki was mostly into Comedy.

" Do you guys want to watch: The Breakfast Club, next? " Natsuki asked as she looked up at her lover, who was holding her in her lover's arms. It immediately caught Sayori's attention.

(( A/N: I LOVE the breakfast club :) ♡ ))

" There's a breakfast club movie?! " she laughed.

" It's not literally a breakfast club! "

Monika looked over, " I never heard of it "

Yuri and Sayori said the same thing as they looked at Natsuki for answers.

" What?! It's a classic! " Natsuki got off the couch and out of Yuri's arms, " When I was little, my papa showed it to me! "

" You guys are gonna love it! " the pink haired girl cheered, " I recently just bought it, I'm gonna go get it! "

Running to the room for the CD, the three girls huddled close and spoke quietly.

" Guys, Natsuki's birthday is in two days! " Sayori tried not to yell, " What are we gonna- "

Monika quickly stuffed Sayori's mouth with a chocolate chip cookie Natsuki made earlier.

" We could go to the amusement park " Monika giggled as she glanced at the excited Sayori, chewing the cookie.

Yuri gently smiled, " It should be fun, right? "

The two girls nodded as a response. Monika peaked up to check if Natsuki returned and when she was still not back, Monika looked at the two girls with a wink.

" I'll text you guys the details, okay? " she said.


The next day, sayori took natsuki out to the theaters to watch a comedy movie that was recently released so Yuri could look for the perfect birthday gift.

" What do you think Natsuki likes? " Yuri nervously said as she walked beside Monika into the city mall. Shrugging and looking into the stores they walked by, monika pointed at all things that looked cutesy.

" I-I don't know about that " Yuri chuckled slightly while holding up a pink cupcake plushie.

" She likes cupcakes and the color pink.. " Monika pouted then giggled, " I dont know.. I thought it was cute "

Yuri took a deep breath, putting the plushie back with the others, " Is her dad still trying to get ahold of her? "

Monika shook her head and explained how Natsuki's father is behind bars very far away from where they live.

" Natsuki wanted me to make sure he stays at prison for at least a good forty years " Monika said and walked out of the cute store with Yuri.

" I see " Yuri responded.

They walked into a jewelry store and automatically, all things that had diamonds  caught Yuri's attention so she hurried to them. She examined each one carefully, trying to find one that truly matches her lover.

" Hello, do you need help miss? " a voice spoke, slightly making Yuri jump.

" Ah I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you " the cashier of that store giggled then gave a friendly smile, " Need some help? "

" U-Um.. " Yuri looked down at the jewelry flustered.

" We're looking for something for my friends birthday " Monika said with a smile in return.

" Ah, we have a lot of best friend accessories! " The worker began, " They're right over- "

" U-Um! " Yuri interrupted still with a flustered look, " I-It's for u-uh.. my girlfriend.. "

The two girls honestly thought the worker would make a big thing out of it but instead she smiled.

" Nothing to be embarrassed about " She giggled then showed yuri a diamond ring that was on her finger, " My lover is also a girl "

Yuri looked at the ring in amazement.

" You're a lucky woman " Monika complimented.

" Ah thank you " She blushed then guided the two girls to where rings and necklaces shined bright from the light, " Now tell me.. what is she like? "

Yuri twirled the tips of her purple hair, blushing hard, " S-She's a beautiful girl with an amazing personality.. I can't imagine a day without her.. "

" What's her favorite color? "

" P-Pink.. "

" And yours? "

" Purple.. "

Smiling friendly, the worker pulled out two stands from under the showing glass which one held light violet colored diamond rings and the other held golden to silver necklaces with a light violet diamond heart shape as the center jewel.

" Woah.. " Monika quietly mumbled and admired each one with Yuri.

" Which one would you like? " The worker asked.
Today is the day Natsuki finally turned eighteen. The girls woke up early so they could make sure they spent the whole day having fun and celebrating. They went on lots of rollercoasters and played the games that the booths had.

Monika and Sayori won panda plushies at darts and Yuri won the pink cupcake she saw at the mall for Natsuki from playing ring toss.

Night time came kind of quick from all the fun but they did stay at the park for a while longer.

" Do you guys want to go on the fairestwheel? " Sayori asked as they walked towards it.

" Sure! " Natsuki smiled excitedly while holding her lover's hand. Monika and Yuri agreed. Waiting in line, natsuki and sayori were chatting amongst themselves.

" Did you give her the present yet? " Monika whispered to Yuri.

The purple haired girl shook her head, feeling her heart starting to pound just like the first days she was around her lover.

" Hey guys, we're up next! " Sayori stepped in the conversation.

" We're partnering up, Sayori! " Monika smiled af her as she linked her arm with Sayori's.

After sayori and monika got into the first cart up, Yuri and Natsuki when into the one after. Slowly and slowly they went to the top and every now and then Sayori would look back to scare Natsuki about falling off.

" That's not funny! " Natsuki whined as her best friend laughed. Yuri glanced at her lover then down at her hand, holding it gently. Natsuki noticed and blushed a little with a warm smile.

Yuri held up her lover's hand, looking flustered and then spoke, " A beautiful ring for my gorgeous queen "

Natsuki's eyes lit up and her cheeks started to burn when Yuri put on the light violet colored diamond ring onto her finger.

" Y-Yuri.. " the small girl hesitated, trying to figure out what to say but instead Yuri giggled.

" Happy birthday, Natsuki " she said then kissed her lover.

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