Bathroom Party

37 2 0

October 14, 1967

Steve's POV
    I sometimes wonder where my parents got me from. I have this theory I was made in a lab, was genetically modified into a person and given to my parents for some odd experiment to see if I could go out in the world. Or I was brought here by aliens to see how I would react to human life. Yeah, there was something definitely wrong with me. Mainly because I felt like most kids actually had an enjoyable social life, you know they went out with friends and went to parties. They did things. What did I do? Why am I acting like I am some sort of alien? Because I'm at a party hiding in a bathroom drawing, some social life I have.

"You got invited? Steve, that is fantastic! You should go!"

  That was my mom's response when I told her I got invited to some party, she thinks I don't have a social life... she's partially right. The guy who threw it, Tony Stark. We grew up with each other kinda. I had a few classes with him and we talked every now and then. He tolerated me and i tolerated him, it wasn't so bad. I never really knew what he saw in me, who wanted to hang out with a skinny white kid?

Tony, he was something. Confident, outgoing, he didn't care what anyone had to say. He really liked himself, I wonder what that was like. I didn't really care for me, I was just me nothing so great. He had it all; both parents (but I knew he had issues with them though), friends, a nice house, a girlfriend. Me? I had a dead dad, a shitty apartment, health issues. Yeah sometimes being me sucked, but I still had my mom, I still had a roof under my head, and I was getting by. I guess I didn't have it so bad. But imagine a world where I actually liked myself, I wonder what that would be like.

  But anyway the party. Tony knows I don't care for parties, he still invites me though. I accidentally mentioned it to my mom, she insisted I go out. I don't know I just don't really care for parties, sometimes the music is too loud, I don't really know anybody(go talk to people then, isn't easy when you look like me), I'm not into the whole drug and alcohol thing because my mom would have my ass if I did, and I can't dance. Another reason I think I am an alien. I couldn't dance so what was I supposed to do, sit there lonely. No. It was better to suffer with nobody watching.

See parties weren't my thing. But my mom wanted me to go, I think she's just trying to get my mind off my dad but I'm always thinking about him. But I did it for her, as long as she thinks I'm okay then she's okay. I can't have worrying about me when she has enough on her plate. So a party for me, was my sketchbook and I. That was good enough, pretty lonely but I kinda liked it that way.

Bucky's POV 
    I broke away from the crowd as the song began to change, and left to the kitchen where I could see the crowd from there. It was broken off into 4 groups. 1) The teens who played truth or dare or spin the bottle, yeah high school students loved that shit, I stayed away from it. 2) the drug teens, who smoked pot. I never knew where they got it from, I tried it once but my mom got mad so I stay away from it. 3) the teens who like alcohol, never cared for it never wanted to try it. 4) the group who danced. I liked to dance, something I liked to do. But I had to get away right now.

  I felt like I was suffocating. There was so many people here, the music was blasting. I watched as the old rug, that somehow still looked new managed to see more dance shoes then an actual ball. I wanted to get out of here, not that I wasn't enjoying myself but I was starting to feel that way again.

  I felt the heavy feeling in my heart again and a pit in my stomach, like it was going in a spiral getting tighter and tighter. It was happening again, dammit dammit. It always ruined my day. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I hated this feeling. I hated that I was feeling this way. It only happened with a large group of people. I don't know why. But I couldn't handle so many people at once. It just made me feel scared, trapped and judged. Like all eyes were on me and there was no escaping and I needed to get away from here.

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