Gloomy Skies

41 1 0

December 8, 1967

Steve's POV

I always enjoyed the rain. My mom and dad, well they knew the scientific way of how it rained, but they had their theories about why it rained. My mom thought that it rained because the world needed to be cleansed every now and then. It washed everything again and somehow everything was new, kinda like a refresh start. I liked that but I didn't agree with it as much now, there was still a lot of darkness in the world.  My dad he believed it rained because someone was missing you, it was like they were trying to send a message that they are always thinking about you.

If it was my world there would always be rain. Maybe that's what my world was like, a little gloomy with tears that I don't think will ever stop.  Today it was raining. I like to believe my dad misses my mom and I. Wouldn't that be nice?

I put up the collar up on my jacket to shield myself from the cold air. I had an umbrella to keep the rain away. I didn't really care for this weather. This meant it was going to be cold and cold meant i had a 99.99% that I was going to get sick. That was never a good thing. It surprises me that I haven't died yet from my long list of illnesses.

Most of the time when I was younger I would be lying in bed or on the couch, my parents taking turns of watching over me. I was in the house most of the time so usually I would teach myself how to draw and watch the other kids have fun. As much as I hated it then, I think I miss those days the most now...

As I turned the corner I saw those familiar lilac flowers up ahead. I lightly smiled. When I walked up to the front I seen a familiar figure sitting outside.

What the hell was he doing in the rain?

Bucky sat on the steps, his hands covering his ears, knees covering his chest. His eyes were shut so tightly I would think they would never open again.

It was cold. He was getting wet. I needed to get home but I couldn't just leave him here, not like this.

"Hey Buck you alright?" I asked.

He opened his eyes, they looked slightly red. I could see the fear in his eyes but as quickly as it showed it disappeared and he just smiled.

That famous smile of his.

"H-hey! You need something Steve?" he asked.

"I was just passing through. I saw you an-"

"Don't worry about me Steve. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I don't mean to pry bu-"

"I can take care of myself Steve. I don't need any help." 

I knew he wasn't fine. It takes one to know one. I couldn't just leave him here.

"Someone did once tell me we all need help at some point. We all need someone."

He looked away and shook his head. Maybe he really didn't need my help. Who was I kidding?! He didn't need me. I was a nobody. He probably had friends to help him. I started walking away when I heard his voice. It was small, barely visible and broken. But somehow the wind brought it to me.

"Don't go. Please?"

I turned back to him, he was smiling but I could see the fear in his eyes. What was he afraid of?

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