Chapter 12

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Saif knocked on Deepika's door and said, "let's go to Sidharth's house".

They arrived at Sidharth's house where there were decorations everywhere and guests going in, they had to have a card to enter, Varun told the guard to call Sidharth but he said, "The groom is busy getting ready for his wedding". Deepika stood there, she was going to faint, Alia came and said, "Oh hi I'm sure you weren't invited to the wedding".

Saif : "We need to meet Sidharth".

Alia : "You don't need to meet him, go away or I'll tell the guards to throw you both out".

Saif and Deepika had to leave because of all the stress, Deepika fainted, Saif had to take her to hospital. The doctor said, "Has the patients had any stress?".

Saif : "ummm yes a lot and heartbreak too".

Doctor : "I'm sorry to say but the patient is very critical! she's had too much stress which lend her to brain damage and she is in a coma, the next 12 hours are really serious so if you have any family who would like to meet her then please call them now".

Saif started crying, he called Deepika's friends and family, he started calling Sidharth but he didn't pick up so he tried calling Varun and Katrina and they didn't pick up, he didn't know what to do so somehow he found Sidharth's house number and called it, one of the butlers picked up, Saif told him everything. He went to Varun and told him everything, Varun started to cry, Deepika was his best friend, he didn't admit it but he cared for her.

Katrina saw him cry and asked what happened, he told her everything. Katrina went to Sidharth and said, "STOP THE WEDDING!".

Everyone was shocked, Sidharth, his parents, Alia, her parents, and the guests. Katrina started crying so Sidharth asked her what happened.

Deepika! she cried out.

Sidharth : "What about Deepika!".

Katrina : "Go to the hospital right now! she cried".

Sidharth : "But what happened? why are you crying". he saw Varun who was also crying he then asked him what happened.

Varun : "Deepika.... he cried out, she's in a coma!".

Siddharth : "COMA! he shouted". the word echoed in his ear.

Sidharth ran out, Katrina and Varun followed he got into his car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital, when they arrived, they saw Deepika's family and friends there also Saif. They went towards Saif but suddenly Deepika's mother shouted, "Saif what stress did you give to my daughter! How dare you do this to my daughter! Why did you come back!".

Saif : "I didn't do anything! It was coincidence we meet at a friends wedding".

Deepika's mother: "If you both met at a friend's wedding then how did Deepika end up here!".

Saif : "She was stressed out and fainted".

Deepika's mother : "Why was she that much stressed that it caused her brain damage I'm sure it's because of you! Since you came into our lives, you caused problems!".

Saif : "Please I love Deepika as much as you love her!".

Deepika's mother : "Then what happened, tell me!".

Saif : "I can't tell you, I promised Deepika".

Deepika's mother : "Get out! don't ever come near Deepika ever again! Or I'll forget your my husband's son!".

Sidharth : "Your husbands son?".

Deepika's mother : "illegitimate son!".

Sidharth was shocked and felt very guilty! Sidharth then said, "Why didn't you tell me that your Deepika's brother?!".

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