Chapter 17

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Finally after a month Sidharth got his memory back and they went back to their normal married life.

*6 months later*

Deepika woke up vomiting, Siddharth got up to help her.

Sidharth : "Its been 2-3 weeks since you have been like this!".

Deepika : "I feel very weak aswell".

Siddharth : "I'm taking you to the doctors".

*At the doctors*

Doctor : "Good Afternoon Mr and Mrs Malhortha.

They both replied Good Afternoon Doctor.

Doctor : "So how can i help?".

Siddharth : "Well my wife has been vomiting since the past 2-3 weeks and feels very weak".

Doctor : "Ok, Is there any chance that Mrs Malhortha might be pregnant?".

Deepika : "Yes..."She blushed.

Siddharth and Deepika looked at each other with excitement.

Doctor : "Ok we shall do something tests".

The doctor picked up the phone and called the nurse, the nurse came and took Deepika away. Sidharth waited patiently.

Deepika came back, the doctor then said, "No, Sorry Mrs.Malhortha is not pregnant!".

Sidharth and Deepika were upset. The doctor then said, "But i want to do some more tests on Deepika".

Sidharth waited for hours until finally Deepika came back and so did the doctor.

Doctor : "Ok so i sent Mrs. Malhortha to get some tests done, They were clear but there is something that i have to tell you both. Mrs. Malhortha can't have children i checked her medical history which showed that shes been in a coma very recently so its due to that".

Sidharth : "Doctor, Can't you do treatments or something".

Doctor : "No not at moment Mr Malhortha".

Deepika was crying, Sidharth hugged her and took her home and told the family. Katrina went to Deepika and said, "Everything will ok and that she shouldn't worry".

When suddenly Sidharth got a phone call from the office saying he has to come as soon as possible because his office is on fire. Sidharth didn't want to leave Deepika but he had to.

Sidharth went and his employees told him that it started all of a sudden, the building was completely burnt. The police came and someone called the fire station but it was no use. Sidharth told his employees to go to his other building which is a bit further than the current one and said until it gets fixed they should go to that one.

Sidharth had lots of responsabilities now fixing the burnt building, controlling the other building and looking after Deepika. He went back home and Deepika found out everything.

Deepika : "Look after the company and don't worry about me".

Sidharth : "No you are more important!".

Deepika : "No im going to my mother's house for a while you look after the business please".

Sidharth : "Ok Deepika".

Deepika : "Thats like my Sid".

Sidharth dropped deepika off to her mother's house.

Hey guys i'm Back :) Thank god i've finally wrote it, seriously this idea was stuck in my mind and i thought of so much more but i didnt have the time but alhumdulilah i got the chance and wrote as much as i could tbh :) Hope u guys like it.

Btw i wrote this from my mums phone still havent got my new phone :'( lol pray i get it soon so i can update more often.

Btw ***Spoiler**

A big twists going to happen while deepika is saying at her mothers while Sidharth is alone and involves others taking advantage and may involve seperation for a while and then ill decide if i end the story there or go further with this story.......

Let me know what u think?

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