Facing Trent

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Gwen's POV

Light poured through my one window on the other side of my room, waking me up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, remembering what had happened yesterday. Cody was such a great friend to me, I just hoped he wouldn't try to take advantage of the break up.

I started to get ready for the day, pulling on my normal outfit and brushing my hair down. As I headed down the stairs I realized that I would have to see Trent today, and that was not something I wanted to do alone.

Cody's POV

I walked up to my school, hoping that Gwen would be feeling better today, she seemed so broken yesterday. I was so into my thoughts, I didn't notice the person in front of me, and I really wish I hadn't.

"Hey, have you seen Gwen around today", Trent Jackson asked with a nervous expression on his face. I stood my ground and looked him right in the eyes, the same eyes Gwen had fallen in love with, the same eyes that later followed another girl. "No", I replied plainly, "but I know she won't want to talk to you." This made Trent look down at his feet, "Well could you tell her I said I'm sorry?" he asked, in a very depressed tone. I nodded my head and walked off, my thoughts surrounding me again.

This time I never noticed the person in front of me, making me bump into them, which resulted in us both falling to the ground. I looked up, embarrassed from what just happened, and then I realized who it was, Gwen. I stared into her beautiful brown eyes, the same eyes I had fallen in love with, the same eyes that belonged to the girl who still loved another boy. "Hey Cody, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the other day, it's great to have someone like you around in a time like this", she said, making my face turn from pink to red.

I got up and offered her my hand, which she took. Maybe she was starting to like me, maybe just a little. I turned my head to face Gwen, but she had a terrified look on her face. I turned to see what she was looking at, it was Trent.

"Listen Trent-" I began, but was soon cut off by Gwen, when she out her arm in front of me. "How long?" Gwen asked, anger filling her teary eyes. Trent didn't respond. "I asked you, how long?!" Gwen asked, completely sobbing now. "About a month now", Trent said with regret in his voice.

At this, Gwen broke down, she fell onto the floor and was crying the most I had ever heard her cry. Trent got up and began to walk to his class, leaving me and Gwen in the empty hallway. "Hey Gwen", I said grabbing her hand and pulling her up, "let's go somewhere away from here." This made her smile and nod, wiping away the tears, "That sounds great Cody."

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