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My fingers grabbed the squirming scorpion laying close to death without its stinger. It grasped onto life in the palm of my hand, still followed its nature by pinching my finger with its last bit of strength. The moving stopped. A few twitches and then the body was completely motionless.

Without thought, my arms moved it to my mouth as I latched onto the hard shell with my teeth like second nature. The taste was bitter and the consistency made me gag even after the number of times I've eaten the killer arachnid.

I looked to the rest of my crew, some were digging in the sand looking for scorpions as I did, while others were resting under the propellers protecting them from the persecuting sun. I could see in their eyes that their hope was slowly being drained from their bodies like a leaking faucet. Their faces got heavier with each night and longer with each day. The faith they had in our country dissolved into dust never to be summoned from the ashes.

Sand covered the hills for miles and miles. No trees, no animals, no life. We lived off scorpions and cacti that got more scarce as the weeks passed. Many died from the heat or starvation. It was a miracle that some of us survived the crash, the hunger, and the heat.
Ok so this is really short, all the chapters are going to be short- sorry. Please give me feedback and make sure to keep reading!

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