Chapter 2: The Realization

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We both get in our cars and drive to my house. They get out the car and looked amazed, "This is your place?" Zach asked looking confused. "Yeah, I handle my money very well, I'm also enrolling for college in California so I'll be moving there once I find a house and the money needed to buy it." Jesse and Zach look at each other and started whispering and smiling. "We don't whisper here. What did you say?" Zach looks at Jesse wondering if he'll actually say it, "All I said was that's my future wife, when she moves to Cali she'll officially be mine," he says with confidence. I smile a little and then start walking into the house, "Hurry before someone sees you, a lot of girls live around here and I don't want them bombarding my house." They rush themselves inside and take a seat on the couch. "I forgot to ask if you guys had swimming trunks, but I'm sure you don't." They all go outside, grab their trunks, and walk back in and change. I go upstairs and change into my 2 piece rainbow-colored swim suit and then walk outside and wait by the pool. Out of no where Brandon comes out and pushes me in. "What the heck dude!" I climb out of the water and jump on Brandon, "You butthole! I nearly had a heart attack!" Brandon falls to the ground and starts laughing. All the other guys walk out and just stand there, "Daaaaaaaaaa... I mean wow you look nice," Jesse kept trying to filter himself. I laugh and then say thanks, "So we gonna swim or what?" Jesse picks me up and throws me in the pool while everyone else jumps in. I come back above water and start splashing everyone. The whole time we were in the pool we acted like little kids. I decided to get out and go make the guys something to eat right before the show since it was already 2:30. I start cooking and then Jesse walks in. I wonder what mischievous thing he is going to do now. "Whatcha cooking?" I turn around to face Jesse, "Macaroni, baked chicken, and some vegetables." He looks at me with a dazed look on his face, "Sounds good," he starts leaning toward me pushing me against the counter. I laugh but then I realized Jesse was being serious. He looked me in the eyes for a few seconds and then wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. "Whoa, Jesse what is going on?" He pulls me closer to him and hugs me, "It's been a while since I was in a relationship and I'm just struggling, sorry," he said as he put his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him and hug him, "It's ok, I understand completely. Just slow down ok? As much as I'd love to be yours we have to get to know each other. That is if you actually like me." Jesse picks me up and sits me on the counter, "I clearly like you. I wouldn't be all over you if I didn't like you." I look at him and then start to play with his hair, "Why are you doing that?" he asked me while laughing. "It feels nice. I love playing in people's hair." He starts to run his fingers through my curls, "Just because I do it doesn't mean you can," I laughed. He takes me off the counter, "So you said you were moving to Cali soon once you find a house right?" "Yeah, what about it?" He smiles, "I was wondering if you want to come live with me... Until you find a house of course?" How long would I have to wait? And no one would be mad about it would they?" "It's not like I have a girlfriend or anything, and why don't you come on tour with us, and then afterwards we head straight to Cali?" I think about that, "Sounds good but I still need to pack up my stuff by tonight since you guys leave tomorrow right?" "No, we leave in 2 days." I relieve myself, "Ok that's enough time. Are you sure you're ok with me moving in?" He looks at me, "Do I look unsure?" I walk away from Jesse to get the food ready and yell outside to tell the guys to come eat. They come inside and have a seat at the table. "This better be good," Jeremy says. I look at him with an evil look and then continue making the plates of food. I set the food on the table, "Eat up." I then go upstairs and start packing my stuff and call my mom, "Hey mom, remember how I said I was going to California for college once I found a house? Well I did and I'm leaving in two days to stay with a friend until I actually can buy it." "Well that's good, I'll be over in a minute to help you pack. By the way who are you staying with?" I hesitate to tell her because she'd probably snap out on me, "You know how I love the band The Neighbourhood? And how I'm going to their concert?" "Stop changing the subject!" "I'm not..." "Now you're lying." "What I'm saying is the lead singer has a crush on me and the whole band is in my house and have been since about 12, Jesse want's me to stay with him until I get my place so that I can get to college when I want." My mom hangs up the phone and rushes to my place because she thinks I'm lying, "I'll get it," Jesse screams. "NOOOO!" I rush down the stairs and open the door as my mom rushes in and stands and stares at what she thought I was lying about. "Well everyone this is my mother." "HI mother..." Zach says. "That's Zach...That's Jesse...That's Jeremy...(and so on)." My mom pulls me to the side, "Are you sure about this? What if he breaks your heart?" "Ma, I'm not dating him or anything. I'm just staying at his place until I get a job and start college." She looks at me with concern "Can you trust him?" "I don't know, but I really want to go to college because I've already waited too long." She hugs me, "Ok, if that's what you want I'll support you all the way." "Thank you." We both go upstairs and finish packing up my stuff. "Well the concert is gonna start in 1 hour & 30 minutes so we have to go because they go on at 6:45." "Ok, well I'll see you when you get back. Love you." "Love you too," I rush downstairs and get on the tour bus with guys and head to The Convention Center.

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