Chapter 3: The Concert

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We get to our destination, but had a problem. "Jesse you know you can't bring randoms in with you." He looks at me, "This is my girlfriend." I look at him and play along. "C'mon Jesse, I'm not falling for that." I walk up to Jesse and hug him then kiss him. "See, if she wasn't I wouldn't have let her kiss me." "Alright Jesse I'll believe you," he lets us in. "I'll go sit in the crowd." "No, you can stay backstage and watch or even be on stage with us. You play the keyboard right?" "Well yeah but they won't care." We walk into the dressing room and chill until it's time for us to go on. "Hey Zach, toss me a peach!" Zach picks up a peach and throws it at me. "I said toss it!" I take a bite. Jesse leans over and bites it, "Aye this is my peach!" He laughs and takes another bite. I give him the death stare and continue eating my peach. I get up after a while to practice the keyboard for the show. "I still can't believe this is happening," I think to myself. I start to play and sing out loud to pace myself. Everyone stops what they're doing to listen to me. "You can sing too!?" Brandon yells. I keep playing and singing, and then I finally stop, "Yes, I can sing, play piano & violin, also I write poetry." Just then the stage director walks in, "You go on in 10 minutes." I start to panic, "What if I mess up!?" Jesse walks up to me and hugs me, " You'll be fine I promise." We walk around to the hall by the stage. "Now presenting, The Neighbourhood!!!" The announcer calls out as I start to calm myself down. I wait behind stage for them to call me out. "Wassup you guys?" The crowd goes crazy. "Sounds good, were gonna get started, but first I'd like to introduce someone to the stage. They'll be playing the keyboard for us tonight, something we've never had before. Without further or do I introduced to you, our good friend, Kennesha!" The crowd gets loud as I walk out, it made me feel special. I walk up and take the mic from Jesse, "Thanks for all the love you guys, I thought you wouldn't like me or something." I give the mic back to Jesse, "We'll start with everyone's favorite, Sweater Weather!" We preform and the crowd is going crazier than ever. We end the concert at around 9:30 and head out for the meet and greet. "Oh my gosh I love you guys!" I sit back and enjoy their fans. Just then one of the fans confronted me, "Are you the poet Kennesha?" I look up and smile, "Yes that's me, you've read my poetry?" She hands me a booklet of all my poems, "A little more obsessed than I should be," She laughs. "Well I really appreciate it. Would you like me to sign it?" "Would you!? That would be awesome!" I grab a pen from Mikey, "I'll give it back." I sign her booklet and take a picture with her. "Thank you so much!" she walks away. "So you stealing our fans now?" Brandon said. "'re stealing my fans!" I playfully hit him. We finish up the meet and greet and head back to my place. "I'm sure you guys are tired and need sleep. Two per room and one can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch." Everyone runs to find a room, and of course Jesse and Zach are fighting over who gets to sleep in my bed. "I wanna sleep in here I was here first!" "Zach you already know how I feel about her and sleeping in her bed is the closest I can get to her." I walk in, "Why don't you both just sleep in here?" "That's true." "Oh yeah that's true." Zach lays down. "Well good night guys" I get my pajamas and go downstairs and go to sleep. "Ayoo Jess," Zach looks over at Jesse. "Sup?" "I don't think she should be sleeping on the couch. Put her in the bed with you and I'll go sleep with Jeremy." "You sure?" "Yeah this is her bed." Zach gets up and goes in the room with Jeremy. Jesse walks downstairs and gets some water then picks me up and takes me in the room. He lays me down and then lays next to me and cuddles with me.

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